help ID w/ pleco


New Member
Feb 24, 2005
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i came into my lfs today and i saw a new fish labled as a butterfly algea eater. it looked cool and i so i got him. he looked like a ray or flounder but had the features of a pleco, but just his fins are like a rays fins. i've been trying to look it up but have come empty handed so far :/ , so now i need help from all you wonderful fish lovers :D .
if anyone of you know what it is than some info on it would be most appreciated :) .

i also got two ottos and wondering if anyone have any info on them too as well :D .
they look cool so i had to get them.

damn me and this habit of mine :rolleyes:
The first fish you brought is known by many names, one of them is a hillstream loach.

Here is some info.
Click here

Mostly pics in this link.
click here #2

Oto's are small algae eating plecs which like to be in a largish group but i do hear that they can survive in twos. They are quite delicate fish so your water quality needs to be up to scratch. Keep your nitrates low as possible. The problem with Otos is that they can just suddenly die in the first couple of weeks even though the water is spot on. If they survive after the first couple of weeks you should be fine. They really need a planted tank to live or else they will usually die. They feed on some types of algae eg. brown algae. If they dont have any algae to feed on feed the sinking algae wafers or catfish pellet/tabs and feed them some cucumber, zuccni(spl) once or twice a week. Also try other greens like lettice and see if they go for it as well. I would feed Oto's once a day after lights off.

Oto info

BTW hillstream loaches prefer cooler water i believe.

HTH :thumbs:

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