HELP! I think the intestine of my fish is.......


New Member
Jul 12, 2004
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I have a female guppy that had 60 babies 4 weeks ago and now she appeared to have a injury on the side of her body. I thought it would of got better, but i was wrong. The injury got bigger and redder. I keep on thinking what have caused it and then a thought that my African Dwarf Frog that i have in the tank with them must of bit her. I don't know what else it might of happen to her. She has been acting normal with this sore and seems to be eatting ok. Now as I write this, it looks like a tube-like structure has fallen from the injury? I don't know what it is, can anyone help?....It's kind of scary to leave her like this too.
I would isolate her if you can, in a different tank or a breeder, or even a divider. She may be being picked on by the other guppies, probably the males. The frog wouldn't have bit her, but they would have. It sounds pretty serious, but maybe if the water is kept clean and she is stress free she can heal. Good luck.
Anchor worms maybe? They look like a injury with the worm itself sticking out the side. I would remove the fish to a quarantine tank and treat with a anti-parasitic medication. ;)
I looked up anchor worms and it isn't that small of a tube-like structure. It's somewhat of a large mark and the structure keep falling out and going back in is large. It's as big around as a piece of yarn.
Possibly through giving birth she may have injured some internal organs, this is the only feasable and logical explanation I can assume.

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