Help......I think the end is coming


Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
Redlands, Ca
Well Quark is going through yet another treatment of bettamax and its not working. -_-

Im totally at a loss, I checked on him today and his front left fin is half gone( the one he uses to swim) I have tried everything under the sun and now Im afraid hes going to drown if he losses anymore fin, he wont be able to get to the top. :-( :-(

Help me, I just cant let him die!!!!!! :sad: :sad: :sad:
I don't think a betta can actually die from fin rot. How does it look, whitish? Or is it literally melting away? :huh: What kind of dechlorinator do you use?

I'd recommend moving him up to a gallon tank and then giving him 100% daily water changes using aged water. Maybe that will help.
he gets 3 times a week now long enough for the meds to try to work and i use bottled water and betta plus dechlorinator.

I add salt and i run my stove to keep his temp higher, hes in my kitchen and with him ill iv left my stove on to keep the kitchen warm at night.

it just melting away even his tail is showing no sign of improvement. it used to but now its just a ragged torn mess.

so I know his water is the top of the line ( Arrowhead spring water) and its same temp before i started this round of betta max i was doing daily water changes with bottled water for 2 weeks and now his tail is almost half gone!!!!!!!
hmm, that's very peculiar.You use great products.
He's not dark colored is he? I've noticed repeatedly on the forum and in the stores that some of the darker bettas run into this same problem. Maybe some sort of vitamin or minerals may help.
Neosulfex is one of the best meds to use for finrot. There is also a stubborn strain going around that keeps coming back. I had some fish sent to me that had this strain. I did a 50-50 mix of Neosulfex and BettaMax. This seemed to cure it, and it never returned. I put fish in a beanie, and do 100% water change everyday. Then retreat water. I clean the container out when I change water. If the fish has lost alot of finnage, lowering the water level will help it be able to reach the surface. I personally thing Neosulfex is the best med for this. JMHO
Hi sweet_tinuviel :)

f250fisherman has given you good advice. :nod:

I'm not familiar with the product he is recommending, but since finrot is a bacterial disease it can have strains that are resistant to one kind of medicine or another. The only thing you can do under these circumstances is to keep trying different medicines until you find one that works.

Another thing to consider is the possibility that it is infected by more then one strain of bacteria. This is not at all unusual and so it's possible to cure one and still have the other making your fish sick.

If you do not use the medication f250fisherman suggests, other possibilities are Kanamycin (sold as Kanacyn by Aquatronics or KanaPlex by Seachem). Maracyn AND Maracyn 2, used in combination, will also treat both the Columnaris and Aeromonas bacteria.

Whatever you use, continue to treat it for the full length of the recommended course of treatment and longer if you feel it's indicated. It's important that the fish is cured and will not have a relapse since if the disease reappears it could be with a strain that is resistant to the medicine you used.

During treatment, do be sure that your water is very clean even if it means adding more medication. If possible, add some aeration because these bacteria thrive in water that has a low oxygen content.

And good luck. I hope your fish recovers soon. :nod:

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