I have this huge female guppy and I've been waiting for her gravid spot to show black but it hasn't. She looks like she is going to burst. I know my platy got really square before she had hers and my guppy looks that way now her belly is straight across now instead of round but her belly towards the rear looks really pink almost red. She is breathing really hard and darting form the bottom of the tank up with her tail wiggling really fast. I don't have a bredder box or net or anything. Does it sound like she's about ready or like she's having problems. Should I take her out and put her in a large fish bowl with am airater. Ugh! Does anyone know if Walmart carries any breeding supplies it's too late to get to a pet store. This is crazy fish night at my house. I really wanted to keep these babies.All of the fish seem to be following her, do they now?LOL. Help!! Leah
I think if she is it's going to be very very soon!
Well, she is having her babies little by little. I've been watching and hoping the other fish don't get all the babies. So far she has had all of hers without any other fish noticing yet. The funny part is I can't find them.LOL I see them come out but I can't see where they go. She still has many to go. So, I guess a fish can be pregnant without a gravid spot. Boo HOO I really wanted to save them.sniffle sniffle. I knw she'll have more in another month but once I see those babies I just want to save them all.
The Wal-Mart by me carries a breeder tank. It's made of a fine mesh and has a plastic frame.
Do you have a little net around? You can probably get some of the fry in that, and set it up so the net can function as a breeder tank/net/thingy until you get one from Wal-Mart. I just posted somewhere (can't remember where on here, sorry) about how I took a large net and used coated wire to make a "frame" for the net and used that as a breeder tank.
Hi! Thanks for the replies!! I got a little nervous and thought maybe something was wrong with her. She never did have a black gravid spot and she looked like she was struggling. Maybe they can move it to the forum somehow. I was going to try and run up to walmart last night but within a few minutes of posting she strated having her babies. So, I was a little late but I'm going to runout today and buy a little bredding box and move my plants, I have a lot of cover in my tanks so hopefully I'll find some!! Thanks, I'm just happy she made it through ok and this morning she looks great!
when my fish have fry they too go invisible, they hide inbetween the graven and under/behind things that you would never imagint that they could...don't worry, they'll be hiding somewhere and will appear when they are too big for eating...I see more and more swordy fry everyday, thought I only had one at first...
If you can't do the above, then I'm sure that you'll keep some of them by them hiding on their own...!
Hi well I found one. I took the hood off this morning and there he was swimming in the plants, my little pride and joy. Hopefully I can get him eating soon. YaY!!!!! At least I got to save one. I'm hoping they are all hiding, my platy had babies too about a week ago. I can't find them but I have so many plants and rocks, I can't see how they could all get eaten. I'm keeping my fingers croseed.
if you plan to get a net or box today, what you could do in the mean time is scoop out some tank water into a small container, then take a turkey baster and suck up any you find and put them into the container and transfer them back later. look under plants, in the gravel, around all decor and around the filter. theyre real good at hiding and are surprisingly fast little suckers. hope youre able to save some!!!