Help! I need to clean out an old tank


New Member
Nov 21, 2003
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Our tank is huge (150 gallon), and we bought it used. It has a white "film" on the glass, and I need to clean it off. How do it get that stuff off without running the risk of killing future fish?
Lemon juice and vinegar have good reputations for that sort of thing.

I use CLR for the tought jobs, and then make sure I rinse it off really well.
Can you clean out an old tank with pure ammonia? If you add ammonia to the water when doing a fishless cycle it would seem like it would not harm the future fish as long as you cycle the tank first. Ammonia is such a great cleaning product, it would do a good job and it would seem like it would be safe. Does anyone have an opinion? Just want to be clear this is also a question not a suggestion.
vinigar..yup dats the stuff. if its really bad you can use a strait razor blade be carefull though you can scratch the glass up. uh its also not a bad idea to re sylicone the whole tank. We just finished reconditioning a 100 gallon that we bought used. THeres some handy diy fishtank repair sights online

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