Help! I Have Fry


Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2004
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I just did a water change and noticed these tiny fry swimming around in the bucket. I siphoned them out of the tank. There are about 4 of them in there and they are so small. What could i do to save them? I doubt they would be able to survive in a dirty bucket of water and i don't have another tank to put them in. If i put them back in the tank they would surely be eaten. What can i do? I have a feeling they are either Danios or Cherry Barbs.
get a breeding tank. just a little plastic box bacically . i got 1 about 15cm x 10cm. keep em in there untill there big enough to be put in the tank.
Hello Fishstix,

You can buy kits that basically are like baby pens for fish that attach to the side of your tank, the netting is simailar to sockings, and these do fine if u have not got another tank to put the babies in. Breeding traps are to small unless u find the mum first.


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