Help I Fragged A Coral And Worried I Did It Wrong!


Fish Addict
Nov 14, 2005
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Hey i decided tonight to frag my soft coral as it was getting tooo big. Now ive only done 1 of the 3 on the piece just to be safe.

Anyways this what i did.

I took the coral out, used scissors to cut a small branch off and water came out, then pierced it with a wooden tooth pic at the base, and wrapped it round a piece of rock with fishing wire.

Now im worried i did it badly so here are some pics.
Also my main big coral now has ofcourse a stubbed in and u can see inside will it heal?



Thanks i know its only been 10 mins but im but its my 1st time, fraggin virgin 'n' all.
Sh*t didnt think about that why Sainsburys only have wooden!

What should i do now then...
well at least youll remember next time. God im dreading in the distant future when i get corals to frag them, ill prolly just end up squishing them :D but seriously it looks like a pretty gd job
Thanks one problem, 2 of the frags i did they came off the toothpics :crazy: ! I re pierced them but i think ill have to w8 this one out.
I dont think you hsould use a wooden toothpick as it will start to rot.

:nod: Yup, use plastic toothpicks. If your having trouble getting them to stick onto something, try covering them lightly in onion bag netting. Place them in similar flow to what they came from, and hopefully they should either attach via their cut, or start to grow through the netting. Super glue/gel is going to be next to useless on such soft corals, who produce a copious amount of mucus. :good:

Cant wait to see how they go.

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