Help! I Don't Know Whats Wrong!


Fish Addict
Jul 16, 2011
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i am taking care of my neighbors fish while they are on vacation and this evening i look over at their salty tank and there are these tiny little bubbles, so small that they look like sand, coming out of the filter. i believe the tank is a 14 gal bio cube and i have no clue what is happening and i dont want to mess with it. the bubbles are constantly coming out, very 'few' sometimes and then a big 'cloud' of them. the 1 fish seems fine and is swimming and happy and ate when i fed it. i tried to call the owner but i was the wrong number some how... and i dont know what to do... i am going to check on it again tonight but its still a few days until they come back and i know nothing about salty tanks, even though its just bubbles
I can't help, but I can feel for you.  When I was a kid, my dad left me to take care of the fish tank, and everything, I mean everything - died.  The tank over heated - about 90F for a few days and I couldn't do anything to stop it - as I was staying with my grandparents and only got to come home every few days... it was too late by the time I found out.  Besides, I probably wouldn't have had the knowledge to do a water change to lower the temp, but I never got the opportunity. :sad:
I hope someone can come along to help you.
Usually lots of bubbles means you have to top it off with RO distilled water
happens because of evaporation
Okay now that I have some time ill quatify what I said

salt tanks evaporate at a much quicker pace than freshwater tanks do for the most part, now the only way to fix this is to add reverse osmosis (RO) water or distilled water (same thing but thats what stores call it)

DO NOT put anything else other than that in the tank, im surprised your friend didnt give you a list of instructions. But apart from feeding and topping off you should be okay for a week or two. I would recommend feeding only once every other day as well but I dont know what fish is in the tank.

im not too familiar with biocubes but the filtration is either going to be at the back or underneath the cabinet in a sump. Again you shouldn't have to touch but when you top off put the water in tbe sump underneath the cabinet or directly in the display
To be safe, since there was no information attached to this tank and it's not entirel clear without pictures what exactly is causing the bubbles (low waterline is not the only possible cause - bad tubing connections, clogs, and other weird things can cause it as well IME depending on the filter), it would be a good idea to test the specific gravity before attempting to stop the bubbles by just adding a bunch of RO. Somewhere in the equipment for the tank there should be a hydrometer or refractometer. If you can get a picture of the equipment that would help a lot too.
they are coming back Wednesday and the tank is at its fullest. all this salty talk is confusing to me because i only have fresh tanks :( i dont know where their testing stuff is and i would rather not tamper with the tank because they also have live rocks and plants. the fish is black and white striped, about 3" tail to nose... i am going to check the tank......
update: the filter is still shooting out bubbles... and i am freaking out because i cant get a hold of them at tall 
  to put a picture in your mind of the size and number of the bubbles: it would be like as if you put a bunch of fine white sand in the filter and it just keeps coming out..... in the back of the tank, there is the filter and on the side there is a clear line (like on some bottles so you can tell how full the object it) but i cant see what the marked lines are for and i cant really see any thing else because there is stuff around the tank and if i am in front of the tank leaning over it too see into the filter in back, i still cant see much :(
Sorry cray... I really feel for you.  Nothing worse than feeling helpless, except maybe hopeless.
it isn't just a venturii valve that's come open is it. just a suggestion.
ok i finally got a hold of the owner and he said to take a little water from the fresh water tank and put it in the salty filter, i did and it stopped :)
Yay, glad you got hold of the owners and all is well :)

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