Help! I Cant Even Begin To Describe Whats Going On, Confused?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
UK - Surrey
hi everyone a few seconds ago i came back from shopping and looked in my tank to check on my heavily pregnant platies and found my dwarf gourami dead in the bottom of tank, with what i thought was green mucus on its side, now it looks like a hole so i dont no whats going on or which fish could'v done it, iv included a pic with alot of difficulty as i was heaving (weak stomach) luckily my partner fishes work in 30 mins so can sort it, im hoping you can help me as i dont want it happening to other fish :(

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Tank size: 200L
ammonia: testing kit ran out on tues
tank temp: 30C

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

**when my gourami was alive it seemed to lose its colour and kept hiding, seemed lonely or upset if that makes sense being a fish. now its dead it has what looks like green mucus or fluff and a hole underneath??

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

**25% every week

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

dechlorinater, denitrol,

Tank inhabitants:
**1 silver shark
**1 blue rainbow fish
** 2 algae (sucker) loaches
**1 angelfish
**1 siamese fighter
**6 platies - 3 pregnant
**7 platy fry

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

** mossy type plants for expected fry

Exposure to chemicals:

** none other then above

Digital photo (include if possible):


  • Picture_169.jpg
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You need to get your water tested.
Take as sample of water to the lfs and ask them to write the readings down for you.
The fish might of been pecking at his dead body.
Fungus can grow on dead tissue.
Did the fish have a white or red spot that turned into a hole.
no not as far as im aware, literally i came back from the shop and the fish was dead with the hole in its side, iv heard of cotton wool disease but not green??
Going to get a link to hole in the side just for you to take a look at.

Clinical signs

Fish fungus appears as grey/white patches on the skin or gills that resemble tufts of cotton-wool. At a later stage they may become brown or green as they trap sediment or algae. If the fish is removed from the water, the fungus appears as a slimy matted mass. Saprolegnia normally establishes as small, focal infections that then spread rapidly over the body or gills. As it spreads, healthy tissue is destroyed. There is often little inflammation unless there is an underlying bacterial infection. Microscopic examination shows broad, non-septate (no dividing cell walls) hyphae of varying diameters.
ok hun thanks for the link interesting read, i think it could be that as i didnt get close enough to look properly it was either fungus or a hole with its insides coming out? :unsure:

my water isnt to bad last time i checked it anyway,

thanks for ur help
If it was';t hole in the side the the fish could of been pecking at the dead body.
this happened to one of my fish before when i found it laying in the bottom of the tank with a hole in its side its probably due to other fish pecking at the dead fish and the fish starts to rot causing the green fungus. i worked at a fish store and found this quite frequently.

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