Help! Hurry


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2005
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none of my meds have worked on my 6, now 5 black skirt tetras :eek: They look so terrible now :( They are practically all white covered in ick. Their fins, well theres not much there... :angry:

I dont see how there is any possible way for them to make it! :( IS there anything i can possibly to do now? I dont want them to suffer anymore.

Ive done everything i could posibly think of!

I dont even see how they became like this! they were 100% fine for two weeks, then turned like this in two days! :angry: Water readings were absolutaly perfect also!

Help what can i do! i cant stand to look at them any more :/

Raised temp/ to roun 82* . used a fungus fizz tab first day when i noticed some grey stuff growing on them. I didnt have ick meds at the time. Next day i got an ick med. Did 25% water change, took carbon out and added the dosage of ick guard.

Since then ive done another dose of ick guard and water change. Their fins are almost completely gone... IF they even survive will they grow them back? Whats there to do for a last resort thing? some are resting at the bottom, almost lying there, others are at the top. They havent eated for 2 days...

Not sure, the fishes' reaction could be to a mix of med's, med's alone, or the biological filter may have been affected.

How are the readings now?? ammonia, nitrite?

Not clear, did you run fresh carbon to remove the fungus med?

Is it Ick Guard or Ick Guard II you are using? If Ick Guard, the dosage should be halved for tetras...they can be sensitive to malachite green.

You're sure it's ich?....little white bumps/dots?
Ill have to check readings when i get home from school.

The carbon i used to take out the fungus med wasnt new...

I used Ick Guard, not II I used a smaller dose for the tetras.

Positive its Ick, their back fins are almost completely gone now too...

Im down to three of them... :(

Take them out of the tank and give them a salt bath, also add some salt to the tank if you have no scaless fish temp at 30, cover tank up in a blanket, vacum the gravel before you redose to get most of the parasites out of the gravel.
Thanx for all of the help guys, but i lost em' all.

Next time ill be more prepared and have some salt on hand or sumthing. Im gonna 100% clean out the tank and start a new cycle. Better luck next time i hope.

Sorry for your loss, R.I.P.
I'm sorry to hear that. :(
Tetras can be salt-sensitive, I wouldn't add it to tank...not sure about emer.situation. Do be careful w/ med's in future....only add what they need, best not to mix unless advised.

Good luck on the new start. :)
Like i said they all did pass :rip: :byebye:

I 100% completely cleaned the tank and all gravel today.

Im wonderin what i should do with it now? Im thinkin some ADF's...

My neighbor is in the process now of bulding/welding me up a stand for it! it was previously sitting on a dressor...

This one will match the stand i have for my other 10 and 29!


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