Help! How Do I Get Rid Of This

ice maiden

New Member
Jan 20, 2006
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United Kingdom
I am getting overun by brown hair like algae....bought a clean up crew as recommended...but they are never going to control it, growing far to quickly........suggestions please???????

I am desperate now :(

It's more than likely just a natural algae bloom as the tank settles and matures, not really a lot you can do apart from introduce clean-up crew to help keep it in check.
Does it look slimy? or trap bubbles? or float off easily with a turkey baster? SH
You should buy yourself an army of red-legged hermits, they should chomp their way through the algae.

It looks like brown diatom algea to me. Every new tank experiences it and it is just a phase they go through. Blast it with a turkey baster so it doesn't stick as well. You also may want to increase your total flow.
I bought 5 red leg hermits, but they arent even making a dent in it.....

not really slimey....just hairy if that makes sense.....

so should a turkey baster help get rid?
It should eventually dissapear but i know turbo snails love the stuff! I got the bloom when i first started but it faded out in a couple of weeks. Hermits are ok but the snails eat it a lot faster!!
Are you testing for Phosphates at all - may be worth investing in a Phos kit
I would recommend testing for Phos every now & then just to address any issues you may have with algea blooms (this one is more than likely just a natural new start bloom which will go in a matter of weeks)

Also are you using RO Water
your nitrates are high enough to create a bloomlike this If you arent using RO water then i would suggest you have phosphate levels too. Algae like this will thrive on both nitrates and phosphates.

IF you are using RO water then the remedy is to increase waterflow, add more cleanupcrew like snails and less food. each time you do a water change simply syphon away the algae and then add fresh made water.
If you arent using RO water ten you could well have a problem as the fresh water you are adding might have the food that the algae is requiring. I would still increase water flow and add alot more snails.

You must also remember that you tank is young and still maturing. It will take a good year to mature fully and have stable conditions etc. The diatom blom you have (it looks like diatoms) are feeding off the silicates in the tank which all new tanks have.. this is only a short phase for the system and soon you should find higher forms of algae out competing it. If you can encourage macro algae to grow or coraline algae then this should outcompete the nuisance algae for nutrients you might have in your system.

Like all things however, dont panic and rush things... Good results take time in a marine tank, only disasters happen fast. Give your tank some time and be patient.. it will reward you in the end.

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