Help! Hermit Crab Emergency!


Fish Crazy
Aug 30, 2006
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We came home tonight to find our hermit crab Kermit almost out of his shell naked. He's not moving at all. Neither he nor Bruce, our other crab seem to be eating the pellets. We've tried everything. Even changed the dish in case they couldnt get in but they dont seem to eat. Not their pellets not cucumber or carrot. We dont know what to do and I'm so upset because I'm worried little Kermit has died. We dont know what to do. Bruce used to climb alot but now he just digs in the sand and lies in the same spot day and night. They've just deterriorated so quickly and ew never know if they've eaten or what they look like if theyve died.

Please please help. I'm so worried and so is my boyfriend. Our poor boys, dont want them to die!
hi i got hermit crabs too, im experienced enough, but go to Hermit crab association or Reptic hermit crab section

ask ur question in the emergency section, this is serious

hi i got hermit crabs too, im experienced enough, but go to Hermit crab association or Reptic hermit crab section

ask ur question in the emergency section, this is serious

70-80 humdity 70-80 degreees, fresh fruits and cooked meat, like raw fishes and mangos and cococut apples and honey and mostly everything,

get rid of the commerical fish its bad theres a emergency template at hermit crab association, my userman is frozenbarb over there, hope urcrab gets better, go to that forum and help will beo on the way
Hermit Crab Association

Click the link above. It will give you many different sites with great hermit crab expertise. I like and use the forum a lot. They'll be able to give you tons of help there and even give you food ideas of what to feed your hermit crabs.

I would suggest checking out The Crab Street Journal first!!
gravel is bad idea get playsand or eco EARth The sand has to be Moist and Wet Enough to make a sand castle... they need to digg to molt and if the sand is too dry they wont be able to get under,, substrate at least 3-5 inches deep and 4 small crabs for 10 gallon is max

and ur hermit crabs are Ruggies or Es which are tropical and hard, Most easy crabs Are purple Pinches , they are from USA so its easier

u need freshwater and salt water and hideouts and shades and Huts
How long have you had your hermit crabs?
To me it sounds like he is just moulting above the ground because you have gravel instead of sand.
Buy some sand or some of that eco earth stuff :good:.
Well I had a look at all sites mentioned and a few others and it appears our Kermit is moulting. We recently put in a calcium block so that may have triggered him. Have constructed a makeshift molting shelter out of the top of a 2 litre coke bottle buried in the sand. We got a lot of "crabworks" stuff and it seems to be doing the trick for their crabitat. Am less worried now as couldnt smell a fishy smell.

Thanks to everyone for the help. I'm glad he is still alive and just shedding his outsides. :)
the smell doesnt take place so soon, and they dont shed ur back part, the soft part if its top moult you should smelll a strong sour smell, which is normal
Yes there is a smell but not sure what it is. Was told it smells a bit like iodine but I dont know what that smells like. The smell in there isnt fishy tho so I'm pretty sure he's moulting. Have now joined the hermit crab forum on reptic zone so should be clued up more on my little fellows for any future incidents.

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