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New Member
Mar 27, 2007
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Hi all,

Need some advice please. ???? ????

Bought some additional plants last week, just noticed some small snails and they seem to be multiplying. What should I do next?

Also just noticed white spots appearing on my Neon Tetra's but not on my Guppys yet, should I treat these with a chemical? Would this infection have come from the plants I bought?

Any advice would be of help.

Andy ????
The only thing free in life... snails when you buy plants. The only way to get rid of them is to pick them out of the tank, get some loaches to eat them or try putting lettuce in the tank at night and then removing the lettuce along with the snails that are on it the next morning (that never worked for me as there were never more than 4 or 5 on it). I'm sure there are other ways but that's the ones I can think of. Make sure you don't overfeed your fish. Snails are scavengers and love excess food. The more you feed, the more snails you will have. When it comes to multiplying, snails put rabbits to shame.

The whilte spots is probably Ich but I am definitely not a disease expert. I have been very fortunate to have my tanks remaind disease free for the 2+ years I've had them. If you do treat, you might want to get a hospital tank rather than treating the whole tank. You might want to ask in the Emergency forum.

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