
Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2005
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:-( :-( Help! I was saying that my Red DT PK didn't have anything wrong with him, but this morning I woke up and hes on his side, with fungus all over! I swear I looked all over the body and I didn't see it. What medication should I get him or are those fungus tablets good enough? Any input that would save Pyro (My DT PK) would be great. :-( :-(
What temperature is he at? For something to strike over night then my suspicions would be columnaris. Does it look like a grey thread like coat or more puffy and white?
:-( :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: Puffy and White. My other betta has it too! I think I am going to lose both. Already lost my red DT PK. :byebye:


Both are about 75-78 Degrees. I notice on my other plakat he has open wounds and cottony fungus all over him. Ive never seen this before and it looks horrible. I feel terrible.

Edit Again:

I just watched my other Plakat die, just as I did my red DT PK. RIP Buddies... :byebye: :-( :-( :byebye:
Are you sharing any equipment between them such as nets?
Add some aquarium salt and anti fungus meds. Aquarium salt add 1 level teaspoon a gallon and then the same 12 hours later.
Poor water quality may be to blame as well.
What kind of set up are they in and how often and how much are you doing water changes? Is there any filtration being used?

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