help help help please


New Member
Jun 8, 2005
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West yorkshire, UK
about 5 mintues ago one of my guppie fish started swiming funny and is now floting on it's side in the tank it's gills are still moving there seems to be nothing on on him and the water is fine all other fish are ok
the guppies eye's seem very black is she dying what can i do all fish shops are closed here in the uk

i think she was pregnant

please help i'm freaking out?????!!!!!

help help help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can the fish maintain her balance in the water, are scales sticking out like a pinecone, try a shelled pea and some daphnia to make sure it isn't consipation, i would give her a salt bath with having the black eye, one tablespoon to 1 gal.
her scale's don't seem to be sticking out!!

she can not stay upright she's on her side all the time

can i feed her normal frozen peas if i thaw them???

what kind of salt should i use???? i only haev normal table salt???

will i have to take her out of the main tank

thank you so much for your help
Swimbladder hard to cure once it has progressed, boil a few frozen peas for a few minutes, cool ,pop out of the shell and squeexe between fingers till mushed up then add to the tank. normal table salt will be fine, yes remove her from the tank and use a jug or bucket for the salt bath, but use tank water as it at the correct temp.
Just get a normal frozen green pea, remove the 'shell', put it in some hot water, squish it and feed the bits. Is she actualy eating?

You only need to take her out to add salt if you have scaless fish in with her.

How long have you had her?

Sorry but it sounds like it's too late to save this fish. Sounds like she may be dying. It may eb kinder to euthanise - the best way is using clove oil in a cup of tank water. Otehrwise, the only option is to take her out and crush the fish' head so as to immediately destroy the brain. Give her a chance to try and eat though. If she's at least TRYING to eat, there's still a chance of saving her.

Do you think you can describe the 'funny' swimming in more detail? Was it 'loopy' or was she not able to balance in the water or is it that she was rolling around on her side?
she's just on her side now :(

i was watch tv when i suddenly saw her spinning in the tank the filter kind of pushed her and she went over and over the sunk to the bottom then floated slowly to the top on her side

she seems to be making such an effoert to right herself her gills and fins are still moving

Good luck, but i'm afraid i with sylvia it's not sounding to good.
I had two goldfish fry get stuck on their sides, one was sucked through a syphon-after a day in quarantine it was alright, the other got stuck in a decoration, we couldn't find it for two weeks when it came out it was floating on its side-we put in quarintine (salted watter) again for another two weeks then tried putting it back in the original tank and within an hour it was fine, I would not euthenize it add salt and give it some time,,, that's aquarium salt from the lfs
she stil on her side i'm tryig her with the pea and i will get some salt in the morning if she's still here :-( she's eaten a very very small amount of the pea :unsure:

i'll be praying all night :look: :wub:

thank you all for all your help :p

Man..I hope she makes it thissounds like what happened to my guppy but it lived I wish you the best of luck with him.
Just popped in to add, careful with salt. Table salt will do fine, if it is un-iodized. Make sure you dissolve it completely before adidng the fish, as the grains can burn.
thanks for all your help guys last night my guppie pasted away :-( :( and about 10 minutes later my other guppies did the same!!!?????????????? :unsure: :unsure:

as of this morning the 2 remaning guppies are doing ok :) i'm going to complete a 40% water change and i'm going to my lps for them to test the water and get some advice thanks for all your help :)

goodbye 2 guppies 'dave' and 'sub' :rip: :rip: :byebye: :byebye:

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