
Fish Fanatic
Mar 14, 2003
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New Zealand
I don't have time to give a detailed post but he was fine yesterday and this morning he was floating/swimming upside down and most of the time resting on the gravel, only to be attacked by the fish in the tank. I think the bristle nose had a go at him while he was asleep (ya know how they sleep on the bottom) and there is pieces of fin missing too. Please help, I have put in some MelFix to try fix/prevent any fungus on him but I cannot take him out as I only have on tank setup. None of the fish stores are open today, its easter to please help me! URGENT!
sounds like he got bullied mate :( do you have good hiding places for him? i dont know what to suggest. there are afew of us on line so maybe they will post something useful than me -_-
Thanks, There are tons of places for it to hide...should I take him out and into a jar or omething?
going on what i know they are difficult to keep, (dont know why but i have heard in the past they are not long lived( an annual fish breed and die that may be wrong) I see them in my lfs and one of the guys i talk to a lot hates getting them in as they never live long yet the same people buy them! ( an other unknown question) I guess its breeding or a comination of water parameters that cause it.

hope some one helps more i guess one of the cichlid masters can help more and set soem info straight lol[/color]
I wouldnt have thought a bristlenose would attack it as they are a peacefull speices.

The german ram is very sensitive to water quality which is the most likely explanation, do u have a test kit to give us some parameters ?

Putting it a jar isnt going to help, I would suggest a water change around 15% and keep up the recommended melafix dosage
It's pretty hot in NZ, right?'s the night temp's? You might be able to hold him in your aquarium bucket w/ tank water and an air stone (maybe cover it w/ a towel to prevent escape). Although, prob. wouldn't be able to observe him too well. :/
Note this is not expert advice...only a case it's that bad/gets that bad. In hopes that it might hold you over 'til Monday.
Are there any stores open, do you have a Walmart?

Again, I hope someone can confirm this advice or come up w/ something better!!
I can't even say moving him is best, tho it may be. :unsure:
Thanks, But bad new the MelFix ran out but I do have a ph test kit, I will do a test and I might have time to do a water change. Will do thanks for your help!
Thanks, there are no walmarts in NZ and I don't even need a heater to keep my tropicals but I have one just in case. The water temp is normally about 25 degrees celcius so I could put it in my water change bucket. I don't think he will last a few hours so umm what should I do? Dispose of him (last resourt) Thanks for your help and speedy replies!
Ok its fairly acidic- ph it is about 6.5 so should i put in the adjusters slowely? Thanks for your help, I won't respond for a about 1 hour, the tide this morning is really high and I am thinking of taking my boat out (I live next to the sea! all of those phishies!)
I think it would be safer to leave it as it is, altho it is at the lower end of the fish's prefered pH level, it should be ok
If it is a case of bullying, you may be able to isolate him with a clean plastic strainer until you can get some sort of breeding/quarintine net from your lfs when they open. This may give him time to strengthen up IMHO. (I'm new myself, so this is just a thought, but I have used large plastic strainers to catch my pictus cat to avoid damaging the barbels) :rolleyes:

The other one is getting small white spots!! What treatment do I use?
Definately sounds like a water quality problem to me and now you have a white spot out break on your hands, i suggest that you get down to your lfs and get an white spot treatment as soon as poss and if it was me i would invest some hard earned cash and buy a water testing kit so that you can afford future probs mate.

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