Help, help HELP...H.E.L.P!!!

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May 2, 2004
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England (Bedfordshire)
Ok, this is how it is right NOW!

I have big momma (Female leapod molly) fallen ill, recently after feeding she has been swimming down to stay at the bottom of the tank, i thought she might be bloated or Constapanted, because of the way she eats..., but yesterday i hooked her out, by last night, on one side of her tail, she had lost color, and it seems all the scales at the base of her body just before her back fin, plus she was not using it, and still bobbing on the bottom in a verticle position, i hooked her out and put her in a mesh net i use for raising fry, today, she has lost the colour on the otherside and all the scales at the base of her body, plus her tail fin looks EXTREMELY shreded, and it can be because she has been attack because she was in the net, then i looked at my male leapod molly (new fish) he is starting to look the same...

Can anyone tell me what to do and what the heck is going on here?

Plus note, there is no sign of any illness in any of the other fish (swordtails, guppies, neons, algae eaters, pleco)

Please help, she is one of my favorites and one of the oldest fish in the tank
Ammonia and all that 0, pH level 7.0

That water should be perfect according the PetsAtHome... so i dont know how this all happened

I treated the water with M.B at the moment, but i aint sure what else to do
Your NitrAte is at 0 too? Do you know the actual levels. PAH have been known to say my levels were fine but I actually did have Amonia and NitrIte present but just not 'dangerous' levels.

Why are you treating with MB (methylene blue, I take it?) if there are no symptoms of disease in the other fish? MB is usually use for fungus, do you think that's what you have? Also, MB is notorious for disturbing your biological filter, it even says on my box of it.
Yeah, thats why i put in the carbon filter, into my filter, i change the filter foams and out in carbon filter pads everytime i use M.B...

And it does look like there is fungi on the male, thats why, i just dont know whats happening to my female

You change the filter foams? You know that's effectively removing all the good bacteria, right?

I'd try with some big water changes and some nice food and see if they perk up. Then consder treating. What fish do you have in the tank? Salt is good with fungus (in addition to meds) but only for the right fish.
All the fish i got is in my sig, apart from the little fry that i caught this morning sitting in a breeding tank right now
Hmmm, if it were's for Mr Plec you could add salt but it's not a good idea with him in there.

I am worried about you saying you remove filter foam. What do you replace it with? Foam from another tank? Otherwise you are going to have to cycle your tank. :blink:

I'd stick with big water changes and using MB if that is what you think is best. Fugus and finrot are related and a med that treats one will treat the other (you mentioned shredded fins on Big Momma?) so don't treat that seperatley.

Good luck with it
Big momma died, the male died, the blue neon has died and so has one of my young guppies, Mr Plec has sunked belly, my Siemese Algae eaters are looking run down and ill, my Swordtail now has a bad case of fin rot and Fungus, my Black neons are on their way too, i am sorry to say, but i am fearing the worse, i think i will lose EVERY fish in my main tank :'(

I have 15 young fry in the tank too, what do you think i should do, because they aint looking unhealthy at the moment, but they could be carring the illness on them, so i dont want to risk putting them in any of the other tanks...

At the moment, i have not given up on any of my fish, i am doing Daily water changes, and treating the water with Fin rot and Fungus control treatment, but i havent seen ANY improvement, that is why i am fearing the worse...

If my fish do die, i will do a full vap on the tank, i am going to boil the tank, ornaments and plastic plants, and boil the gravel and everything, do a full clean over of the tank while my some of my more healthy fry are grwoing up, and then for those fish i lost, i might replace, however it will never be the same again :'(
If you are doing water changes each day, make sure they are SMALL. (ie- 10%) If you do too big of water changes you will starve the beneficial bacteria in your tank and you will get an ammonia spike when you stop doing water changes.

This actually sounds to me like a bacterial problem... the fungus is probably just taking advantage of the damage that the bacteria is doing. I would try using Melafix or some other anti-bacterial medication. :thumbs:
Whats Melafix?

If you are right then i better get some bacteria treatment rapidly, because all i have been doing this morning if dealing with dead fish mainly fry, because they have been dropping like flies, and plus also dealing with Mr Pleco, my Gebbicep, who died this morning as well



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