Help help! aargh!


Apr 19, 2004
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Leicester, England

I just got home, turned on the lights in all my tanks, and as my ADF's do they all scuttled around when the light goes on. But as one of them moved there was a thing on its back

so i scooped the thing in a net
and its a disgusting leech thing with a suckery mouth.


here next to a 1p

and then i looked at the back of the tank and one of my frogs was struggling around, and its back legs were all wrapped up in a sticky mucusy cobweb thing so i netted the frog and got most of it off but it still has bits trailing off its back legs and wrapped round its feet.

What the hell is this?
how did it get there?

just off to chech water parameters, will post when i get them
tank: 40 litres/10 gallons
contents: 6 ADF's
established: 1 week, used gravel from established tank to avoid cycling
running: 1 internal powerhead filter - came with tank
decor etc: medium sized gravel, tigers eye rock, assortment of plants
temperature: 23'C
nitrate: 40
nitrite: >1
GH: 16
KH: 8
ph: 7.2
ammonia:aaargh 1.5 (water changing now!!)


another picture of the leech thing, and some of the mucus i pulled off the frog to the right of it (the dark patch bototm right is just a peice of leaf, ignore that)

Edit: 30% water change, ammonia now 0
nitrate: 25, nitrite: 0, rest of results the same
Maybe it came along with the plants (thats assuming they are real plants)sorry i cant help i have no idea what it is but it looks gross :sick:
This might be a really stupid suggestion because I know nothing about frogs- but could it be a tadpole? You said "one of my frogs" so I presume you have more than one and maybe they mated. I searched tadpoles under google images and it came up with some leechy-looking things. It seems like frogs usually spawn a large egg mass but maybe this is the only one that survived. Here is a paragraph I found describing tadpoles:

"Shortly after hatching, the tadpole still feeds on the remaining yolk, which is actually in its gut! The tadpole at this point consists of poorly developed gills, a mouth, and a tail. It's really fragile at this point. They usually will stick themselves to floating weeds or grasses in the water using little sticky organs between its' mouth and belly area. Then, 7 to 10 days after the tadpole has hatched, it will begin to swim around and feed on algae."

I am probably way off base but it was fun doing some research on frogs and their lifecycle.

No, i am sure it isnt a tadpole. I have kept many tadpoles, and i know their basic shape. Its basically O--- . A round head and a long tail.

Jeez, leeches. Disgusting things! Have you hunted around for anymore, 'cos they breed quite fast. (Sorry, don't mean to worry you).
aargh they do????? what do they look like??? how do they breed???

And yes they are real plants so i guess thats the only way it could have got in there.... im a bit grossed out that i put all those plants in my hand with that thing in there :sick:
Happened to me in the first tank I was cycling. I thought nothing of it with just what appeared to only one leech in the tank, but, before I knew it, had approximately 5 more of those bloodsuckers.

The baby leaches are smaller versions of the 'adults', and are almost transparent. Best to view them once they've fed, or check out a side view of your glass.

The way I got rid of mine was to completely ditch everything I had in that tank. I'm not saying you should do the same. Perhaps you could boil everything that's in that tank, equipment and accessories. Don't know what you want to do with your plants though.

I didn't use chemicals.
As for the frog slime. They're naturally very slimy. However, it shouldn't be struggling around with it. Perhaps, its changing its coat of slime? See what's it like tomorrow.

Good luck :)
Don't ADF's shed their skin. Could that be what you saw?

Not the leeches - seems like they must have hitched a lift on the plants, :sly: :X
frogs definitely do shed thier skin and slime coat. so that is what the frog was struggling with, i have had it happen. there is something you are supposse to supplement their diet and/or water with the help prevent that, but i don't remember what it is.

as far as the leech thing. GROSS. maybe take it to your LFS and see if they recognize it? if it hitched a ride on your plants then they must have some floating about in their tanks. if they are a good store then they probably wanted to eliminate them too. my guess is they would have the best solution for exterminating/preventing more.
I had to drive quite a way to get the frogs and got the plants from the same place, but I guess I could ring and just let them know and ask if they know anything I could do.....

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