Help heather broke!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2003
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I have a real problem here. A few days ago my heater in my tank broke suddenly when I was in the room and started smoking and i quick grabbed it out and the glass was broken :crazy:. Could this have hurt my plecostomus at all. He is all I have in the tank at the moment but he has been acting kind've funny not doing anything at all now just stuck on the underside of a little cave I have in the tank. Also I have no heater until I buy a new one today or tomorrow. Will he be ok? I know they are pretty hardy fish because one of my friends moves there plecostomus outdoors with there koi in the summer but he is huge about 12 or 13" :eek:. Anyways can anyone tell me if I should take my plecostomus out've the tank and clean this thing out would the heater have comtaminated the tank in anyway because I dont want my plecostomus to die! Thanks!
Agh! I wouldn't have touched it if it was broke and in the water.
Did it break underwater? if so was it still plugged in?
I woudn't be worried as much about contaminating the tank as I would be about shocking your fish. My heater broke on me once when i was cleaning my tank, i forgot to unplug it and it started to sizle so i splashed water on it :rolleyes: then it snapped.
Good luck
Yeah it was plugged in and it started smoking and sizzling and it was all broken in the tank :(. Well alright because I am setting up another tank right now so I was just making sure incase my fish had to be moved he could be moved into another tank.
LOL sorry my bad I just woke up a while ago -- gimme a break :p. Yeah I am changing the water now 25% and cleaning the tank out and my fishy seems to be moving around lots more now that I put a little warmer water in the tank because I have no heater at the moment. I think he was just really cold and didnt move much because of that. I hope he makes it till I get the new heater tomorrow I dont want my lil fishy to die :(.
Thanks, he is really going hyper now that I am cleaning the tank out. I think he is going to be alright :D !

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