Help!!! Guppies fighting??!?!


New Member
Jun 14, 2003
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I seriously need help ASAP!
I have 2 female guppies at first, then about 8 males. Thought it wasn't wise cos was afraid that the females will die from the males' attempts to mate and that there might be competition from the males so bought another 4 females today. But when i got home from the aquarium, i found 1 male dead with its tail TOTALLY gone. 2 other males' tails ripped a bit, quite bad. Then just 10 minutes ago, i checked on them and another died and another male's tail got ripped off a bit. HELP???!!! I don't want to lose them! Will their tails grow back? Gosh someone help!?!

Please help me :-(
Guppies aren't exactly monogamous.. they'll basically screw anything they can :p (the males at least). What you seem to have is competition between the males, it's not so much a male to female ratio that you need to worry about, but having any other males in a tank can just start a war where they attack each other until only one MAYBE two is left. At least this is my experience with them (fancy tails and feeder guppies). I have a 20 gallon set up with ONE fancy tail mail and about 7 females. If you have only males in your tank, sometimes they can get along. But introduce some females in and you can have hell. You might want to split them off (the males) into separate tanks before they all kill each other.

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