Help! Fry Swimming At Angle/to One Side! What Do I Do?

little fishies

New Member
Mar 2, 2007
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Hi sorry - new to all this. next problem - I am feeding my week and a half old fry with 'liquifry' baby food, but some of them have started swimming at an angle - I know in older fish this can suggest constipation. I am a bit concerned because one of the fry was dead this morning ( i now have 17) [as was my guppy that had lost its tail]. their mother died a few days after giving birth. my tetras (3 neons, 2 black are at a slight angle) and other guppy look fine though.

I tested the water and Everything was ok, apart from the two hardness registers - and they were really high - pretty much max at 180 each on the scale that I had. Ammonia, ph, nitrite/rate were all fine. Could that have killed the two guppies? what should i do?

Incidentally, whilst at pet shop, I bought some live shrimp - I had mentioned that the remaining fishies all seem off their food - wouldn't really eat flakes, and had little or no interest in the cube of tubifex or sachet of bloodworm... but they went crazy for the shrimp earlier this afternoon!!! thing - the guppy I have left just excreted a huge red lump! Perhaps it's an indication of how much shrimp she ate??? she's not ill is she? Also - is it ok for her to not have any other guppies with her ( i have the 5 tetras and one small catfish)
I think that it could be your ammonia, or nitrites. Do you have a liquid test kit or a test strip kit? The test strip kits are always way off. Liquifry isnt always the best food because it is a pollutant. The reason livebearers and other fish have so many babies is because only a few will make it. Try doing a water change and test the water again. Also, do you de-clorinate your water? Do you have a filter?
I think that it could be your ammonia, or nitrites. Do you have a liquid test kit or a test strip kit? The test strip kits are always way off. Liquifry isnt always the best food because it is a pollutant. The reason livebearers and other fish have so many babies is because only a few will make it. Try doing a water change and test the water again. Also, do you de-clorinate your water? Do you have a filter?

yeah I just bought an API test strip kit. not so good you say??? I don't declorinate my water because I was told it was better to let it stand for 24 hours before putting it in. I have a sponge filter. The shop I went to said to use liquifry and that the strip kit was good. joy.
ammonia 0
gh 180!
kh 180!
ph 7
NO2 0
NO3 20

all ppm (ml/l)

on the up side - none are dead today!

I think that it could be your ammonia, or nitrites. Do you have a liquid test kit or a test strip kit? The test strip kits are always way off. Liquifry isnt always the best food because it is a pollutant. The reason livebearers and other fish have so many babies is because only a few will make it. Try doing a water change and test the water again. Also, do you de-clorinate your water? Do you have a filter?

yeah I just bought an API test strip kit. not so good you say??? I don't declorinate my water because I was told it was better to let it stand for 24 hours before putting it in. I have a sponge filter. The shop I went to said to use liquifry and that the strip kit was good. joy.
ammonia 0
gh 180!
kh 180!
ph 7
NO2 0
NO3 20

all ppm (ml/l)

on the up side - none are dead today!

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