Help Fry Population Is Going To Get Out Of Control


New Member
Nov 15, 2006
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New York
Now that my first 20 gallon tank has been cycled for over a month my guppies and platies are dropping fry like crazy. I plan to keep a few from each batch and raise them then give them away to friends or LFS. But I have way too many and one of my guppies is so prego I don't know how she is able to keep swimming, she looks like she is carrying 100 fry and one of my platies is prego again too. Is there a fish that I can add to the tank that is nonaggressive but would help control the fry population? would a dwarf gouramni do the trick. If I had the room Id get a much bigger tank, I do really like the livebearers, so I don't want to get rid of them

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