Help Fluval 205!


New Member
Apr 16, 2007
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hi im new and recently brought a fluval 205. iv connected it up and everything switchced it on and nothing seems to be happening?!?! i cna hear it buzzing but there seems to be no water flow or anything waht have i done wrong? please help!
Have you primed the filter? The input and the output both in the tank? The prime lever down? Installed the motorhead?
what does primed mean? lol and i have pushed that pump down lol
anyone??? iv put that lever down and hav plued that plunger thing up and down but their still seems 2 be no flow of
i have been pushing that pump for over an hour now and still nothin, please help would be greatly appreciated!
Fill the filter tub with water and that should get it mostly ready to go, then prime the filter and you should get most of the air out of the system.

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