HELP...flounder won't eat


New Member
May 18, 2005
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I have a freshwater flounder in my 55 gallon tank who won't eat. I've had him for about a week now and I really don't think he has eaten the whole time. I thought he was but now that I look at him he is really really thin and I think he is going to die. Help me please!!
i've been feeding him brine shrimp...don't know what else to feed.
Can you issolate the fish, does his belly look sunken in as well, any deformaties like a bent spine.
Try feeding live bloodworm - even frozen bloodworm will do. I hardly ever see mine eat (they are fairly shy creatures). Do you have any other (perhaps aggressive) bottom feeders with them ? If so, the food might just be gone before little flounder can get to it :/
I suggest a nice quiet tank and nice bloodworm. That will almost certainly help - unless of course there is an underlying problem and he's ill.

Edit: on second thought - I'm almost convinced it's the fact that you have other more active feeders and that the flouder simply cannot get to the food fast enough - seeing as it's a 55 gallon.....
first of all are you postive that it is a freshwater species and not brackish? if you don't knwo the scientific name for it, post up some pictures if you can (in the members picture section) then someone should be able to ID for you. IF it is brackish then the lack of salt will be linked to it's eaten habbits.

over wise i can only recomend to do what bloozoo2 has suggested.
He doesn't have a sunken belly, just looks thin. I had another one and it died...
According to the lfs it is the Achirus lineatus--or freshwater flounder. It is currently in a 55 gallon tank by itself as I am working on plants and stuff for the tank so i can add some other peaceful fish. I'll try feeding it some bloodworms...see what happens. Other than that I'm not really sure what else to do than hope it is eating something...
I'm afraid it's very misleading and Achirus Lineatus is actually not pure fresh water, but brackish water :/
and they require at least one teaspoon of salt per gallon. More so when as they grow.
How's your flounder doing ?
Still alive and active. It's slowly gaining some weight so I guess it has started eating. Perhaps it was just stressed out...i do not know...thanks for the help

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