HELP! Fishy still not better...


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
Hi All,
I've posted before about my Betta, Ferdie, who had a bacterial infection. I put him on a combo of Maracyn and Maracyn 2 for the required 5 days. He improved steadily, has a good appetite and seems normal in behavior.

But yesterday (3-4 days from being off the meds), I noticed he now has pop-eye in one eye and still has the greyish body fungus on his head. So I started him back on Maracyn 2 this morning...

He shares a divided tank with another Betta, who seems to be doing fine.

What else can I do? Or is Ferdie getting too old to battel these illnesses? I want to do what's right by him, I don't want him to be uncomfortable, so I'm wondering if I should euthanize... :( Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
Slimy grey patches can be bacteria infections or parasite, he might be getting to old then to deal with the meds, have you added an aristone with adding the meds, also try some salt, good luck.
I haven't tried adding an airstone, but will. He's got salt in his tank already.

I don't know how old he is, but he was a nice large Betta when we got him back in October. So, no telling really how old, I'm just guessing he might be getting up there based off his size and seeming inability to fight this off...

Like I said, he seems genreally in good spirits (for a fish), eating well, behaving pretty normally... He just had a WC Saturday, temp is stable 76, params are all good...

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