Help! Fishies Are Dying.


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2011
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Help is needed very badly.
I have tried absolutly everything and havent got a clue what to do next.
I noticed i had a dead fish, which i noticed it had a cotton wool like substance on it.
I got told by my LFS that it was fungus which itreated them for.
It doesnt seam to have made a difference and now they look like they have white spot and swimbladder and everything else..
Im just so irritated because i have tried everything possible to help these fish but it has been going on for so long and i keep losing fish that i dont want to lose!
I have livebearers.
Some questions that can help us figure out what the issue is and what caused it.
1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc)
2. A full description of the fishes symptoms.
3. How often you do water changes and how much.
4. Any chemicals and treatments you add to the water.
5. What tank mates are in the tank.
6. Tank size.
7. Finally Have you recently added any new fish?
A picture would also be helpful. Also when did this start happening?
Sorry you're having troubles. :(
- Ammomia and nitrate were high but now at 0. Ph is 7.5. Temperature is 28oC. havent got a hardness test.
- The fish seam to be fine in themselves, swimming fine and eating fine. Some of them have still got cotton wool like symptoms on them even though i have treated them twice for it. A couple of my bubble mollys have died and dont seam to have anything on them so unsure.
I do a water change every week, i take about 2-3 buckets out and then refill. I would say it takes out about a 1/4 of the tanks water.
I have used dechlorinater when ive refilled the tank which i use on a regular basis when cleaning the tank as i got told to by my fish store.. I've used Interpet fin rot and fungus treatment twice (followed the instructions on the bottle). I used some white spot about a month before that after i noticed a molly of mine had white spots on her tail but that cleared up straight away. Then all of a sudden all this has been happening.
- I have mollies, bubble molly, guppies, a bristlenose plec, a albino red fin shark, rummy nose tetra. But when ive watched the tank from far away they seam to all get along fine.
- 180L
- I havent added any new fish recently no.

Sorry, forgot to say..
its been happening for around a month now, from when they first started dying anyway..
Will try get a picture..
Its not the best of pictures.. But hardly any of fish are showing any visible signs anymore. But keeps dying.

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