Help, Fish In Danger!


New Member
Nov 13, 2007
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Hello, my large adult Silver Dollar has recently showed a white tip on the very end of his nose, I am worried this is a disease and if so, how could I treat it, as he is over 7 year old.

Help Would be much appreciated on this.

Oh and also had some deaths lately in this tank, which is quite destressing, as I take great care in maintaining my pets, I had a Rosy barb, all of a sudden both eyes were protruding and he eventually died, kept hanging round the filter. and also a young silver dollar, grew like a extra hole next to his mouth, looked like the pigment had gone out of his skin, which I assumed was what was wrong with him, then one morning, I woke up to find his head and all his fins gone, poor fella, any additional information on this would be greatly appreciated.
You have a bacterial issue here, both internal and exturnal. I'd recomend something like Interpet's anti-internal bacteria med. Don't overdose, as it can wipe the filter if you do (like any anti-bacterial med). Also, don't underdose, as this can make the disease less responcive to treatment :good:

All the best of luck
Just one small white spot on the very end of his nose, Is the bacterial problem bad? I cant get to the fish store til morning, and they aint guarenteed to have it?, So I may have to order it online?, Will my fish live long enough to treat him?
Bacterial issues can be hard to treat and will move fast. Is the spot like a shugar grain, or is it fluffy? If the latter, you are looking at mouth rot, a bacterial issue. The the first, it could be whitespot, but you'd have seen it spread by now if it was this :good: I'd get a bacterial remady in there to deal with the bacterial issue of popeye and the sudden deaths that are likely internal bacteria, and if it is whitespot, add marine salt to 5ppt(1 tea spoon per gallon) along side the bacterial remady. Salt is IME one of the best treatments for whitespot, and won't interfer with the bacterial issue. :good: Since bacterial issues are a possibility here, don't raise the temperature, as this will speed the spread of bacterial issues :nod:

All the best
Thanks, Ill try that, I would hate to lose this fish, He is one the my main attractions in my tank, Hopefully Ill get him treated in time before he gets worse. Thanks again, your a good help.:good:
Gave their second dose yesterday, the white spot on his nose still seems to be there, Im prayin hes gonna be ok.

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