Help, Fish Dying


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Oct 30, 2012
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Tank size:Aqua one 850 - 165L
pH: 7.4
nitrate:10 to 20
tank temp:78

Fish Symptoms fish sitting at top or bottom of tank, gill movement normal and eat when food added to tank.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 30% once aweek

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: sand and gravel, dragon rock and wood, lots of plants and added co2 ph drops to 7.2
when co2 is on.
Tank inhabitants: 2 male guppy 3 female guppy, 2 male platy 4 female platy, 2 corys, pest snails & 5 assassin snails

Recent additions to your tank: 2 corrys

Exposure to chemicals:none

have had the tank for 4 months and have lost 3 fish in 3 days, water checked with two different tests,this is my first tank in some years and was going fine, no white spot or velvet wish look fine. all 3 fish that died started swimming at top or bottom then 2 days later died.please help

Which fish are sitting at top of tank, and bottom. Please.

Do any of the fish show these symptoms.

Look pale, or darker in colour?
Leaning to one side when resting, or leaning on ornaments, or plants?
Check the fish body, and fins for red streaking?
Do any fish look bloated, or thin?
Do the fish eyes look like there bulging out?
Do any fish try to get of bottom of tank only to fall back down again?
Are any fish showing signs of being lethargic, listless?
Can fish maintain there balance in the water?
Any signs of flicking and rubbing, darting?
hi there thanks for replying

i have lost 1 guppy and 2 platty and they seem fine and are not showing any of these symptoms they look fine and act fine till they started sitting at top or bottom, the only thing that has changed in the tank is that i added 2 corrys
Were they also resting for long periods of time?

Keep a look out for when your fish go to the toilet. Look for signs of long stringy white poo.
yes some of there poo is stringy, white to almost black but not all the time
Long stringy white poo can indicate the fish is constipated, bacterial infection, internal parasites.

Sorry but I'm finding it hard to tell you why they died as there not not much to go on.

For now just keep a close eye on the fish. If any changes don't hesitate getting back to your thread.

Just one more question please. Did the fish that died all go throw the nitrogen cycle. (cycling tank)
the guppy did and i feed a mixed diet of good flake food and frozen brine shrimp and some greens. i know theres not much to go on but untill they started sitting at the top or bottom of tank they acted fine. thanks for your help.
Did the fish that died go throw the cycling of the tank. As it takes it toll on the fish. Sometimes fish get throw the tank cycle only to die not long after the tank has finished cycling.
yes 2 of the fish that died did, sad to think they died because of that will keep a close eye on the rest and cut back on food to see if there's any change, thank you for your help, will do fishless cycling for my next tank.
exposing fish to high levels of toxins is not good for their health.
I used fish to cycle my first tank It was heart breaking.

If you have any more problem, or notice any of the above symptoms just post back on your thread.

If water quality is good I would still feed the fish at least twice a day.
Just avoid over feeding dried foods as it can lead to bloating and constipation.
Soak there dried foods in tank water before feeding to fish.
Frozen daphnia also good for constipation.
Plenty of veg in there diet.

Good Luck.

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