Help! Fish Dying


New Member
Mar 2, 2006
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I have a 60L Aqua 65 Tank it has an Eheim Filtration System and is decorated with a couple of ornaments and several plants (real not plastic). in the tank i have 8 Guppies, 3 panda corys, 2 bronze corys, 3 pepper corys, 3 red honey gouramis, 3 gold sucking loaches, 10 neons, 2 sunset platies, 2 red phatom tetras, 1 horse faced loach and 1 angel fish. Recently i have started losing several fish in a short space of time (last few days). i have already lost 5 neons, 3 guppies, a siamese fighter and a peppered cory. There is no visable signs of diease such as Ich etc and i have had the tank water tested by the experts at my local aquarium shop who said that the water quality was perfect. I also have 2 guppies at the moment where one of their Pectoral fins appear to be frozen in one spot not flat against the body but slightly pointing outwards.

I would greatly appreciate any help anyone could give Thanks, Dan.
how many fish!!!!!

thats one over crowded tank. how long has the tank been running? did you add all the fish together? a little more info and you'll get the solution but i reckon it'll be "water changes and take most of the fish back"

one gold sucking loach in that size tank will become aggressive as it gets its territory and 3 will be a nightmare. id return those firstly. id probably expect to see the gourami's to die next. without knowing your tank stats id already guess its ammonia poisoning. (are the fish nodding left and right in the water?) or could possibly be lack of oxygen.. (are the fish at the top of the tank panting heavily?)
Your tank is WAY over stocked. How long has that tank been running? Do you own your water test kit? I would recomend getting your water tested at anohter store if you do not.

Begin immediate water changes. I would recomend doing 25% immediately, then another 25% fro the rest of the evening untily ou can get your water re-tested (at a different store).

As for when they die, what else do you notice before they die? Clamping their fins (holding them into their body) is a general sign of stress, not a specific disease.
Many of the fish just before they have died, have started swimmng eratically, doing sumersaults, flopping around etc. I've also noticed a faint red band across the sides of the dead fish it isn't noticeable when they're alive only when dead. i also thought it might've been ammonia poisoning to begin with but after looking up the symptoms of this none of the fish appear to suffer from them. One suggestion i had from the aqutics shop was that it could be a bacterial infection.

I have had the Gold sucking Loaches for several weeks now and have not noticed any problems with them i asked at the shop if they were peacful community fish and was told that they were. I also have 3 Green Sucking loaches in my other tank and have not noticed any problems with them either

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