Help Fish Dying

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Apr 20, 2005
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:( hi i have got a 80 gallon tank it as been set up for just over a year, and every thing was fine till a cupple of days ago.
when i started to lose fish i have lost about 12 fish upto now, they are showing no sings of disease or anything.
the water coditions are : PH 7.2

as i said all as been fine till a few days ago.

fish ihave left in the tank are : 3 clown loach
1 blue loach
1 zebra danio
1 harlequin fish
3 neon tetra
3 black line tetra
1 glass cat
1 upside down cat
1 bumble bee cat
5 platy
5 coolie loach
2 poka dot loach
5 corys

so please can any one help me.
Looing at your fish, i notice you have some very sensitive fish to poor water. Your tank is in a mini-cycle (you have ammonia and nitrite present). Definately do daily water changes until those levels are back to zero. Have you changed your filter cartrige lately or done some filter maintence?

Also, what types of fish have died? Is there any chance anything got into the tank, like chemical cleaners (ie spraying them in the general area)? Also, has anything else changed?

I'm also concerned that you have zero nitrAtes in your water. Usually, ammonia is turned to nitrIte, then to nitrAte, which is either removed through water changes or by plants. Do you have a very heavily planted tank? If not, thn i can almost gaurentee the fish died from ammonia or nitrite poisioning.
I think your test kit may have gone bad. would you mind doing a na test of your tap water for me?

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