Help! Fish Dying And I Don't Know Why


New Member
Nov 3, 2011
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I have had my tank for a few months but recently my fish have started dying and i dunno why?

At the moment I have an 80 liter tank and in it have 1 Angel Fish, 1 Kissing Gurami, 1 Ruby Shark, 3 Clown Loaches, 5 neons and 4 black widow Tetras

On the weekend I added the 3 clown loaches, 3 neons and 2 guppies...

I did have 2 guppies in there as well, 1 of them I found dead on Sunday, only had it for a day, and the other i seen this morning before I went to work.

I came home from work, found 1 Black widow tetra dead and 2 Neons (not the neons I added on the weekend but the 1s i've had in there for a few months, the new neons are fine) and the other guppy is no were to be found. The remaining 2 Black widow Tetras are just floating about in the current, there unable to swim properly, but they are still alive, so they look like there going to die soon aswell.

I have had the tetras and the neons since i first setup the tank months ago and not had a problem with them so I don't now why there dying now.

I have got a couple of fake plants in there and 1 real plant that also looks half dead...

I have tested the water with a testing kit and that is fine, no ammonia and no nitrates...

I'm relativity new to keeping fish and this is my first tank that I setup a couple of months ago so don't now why its going wrong now.

Any body got any sugestions?


The Angelfish, Kissing Gourami and Ruby Shark are all potential killers. That Kissing Gourami will grow way too big for a tank of that size and can be aggressive. Angelfish need a tank at least 18cm tall but also with decent swimming room, usually the minimum is considered around 120 litres. Ruby Sharks can grow up to around 15cm and are often very territorial and aggressive, that would be my number one suspect.
Aside from these fish, Clown Loaches also grow too large (16 inches or 40cm) and need to be kept in groups, they are also very active.
Out of curiosity, did you perform a fishless cycle on this tank?
Thanks for the info,

When I first set it up, left it fish less for about 2 weeks? the ammonia spiked and then went back down, then i put Neon's and the black widow tetras in, left if for another 3 weeks or so then added the rugby shark and 2 kissing Gourami's but 1 of them died.

The big fish I do have in there at the moment are all relativity small to ones that I have seen, and I haven't seen any of them being aggressive to any other fish? and its been fine like it has for a couple of months so I don't now why its just now?
your tank wasnt cycled properly, what are the water stats now? as already said your tank is badly stocked too, sorry
so I don't now why its just now?

Ammonia for fish is rather like smoking in humans - even if there's no visible signs of a problem, the damage is done internally, and then one day, you get that nasty cough that just won't shift.....

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