Help Fish Dieing


New Member
Dec 8, 2008
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]hello there just started up a new tank all my neons have been dieing, but my corys seem fine there still alive and looking good and very playfull can any one help me please.?????
What do you mean by 'just started up'?

A little more info on the tank would help. What is capacity? Have you tested the water? If so, what are the results? What fish and how many of each are in the tank?
Neons are fragile and will usually die in a fresh tank. Add something like guppies or danios, then after 2-3 weeks you should be able to add your neons. Though others will say that neons are super fragile and OMG NEED WAIT 6 MONTHS BEFORE U CAN PUT THEM IN UR TANK that's utter rubbish, because the bacterial filter will establish in 2-3 weeks with fish in and waiting any longer will do pretty much nothing in terms of filtration and water quality.

Oh yeah, and keep up with your weekly water changes. 10-15% should be fine when the fish are all in, but up until that point, because of the need for bacteria to establish in your filter, you need to do them more frequently. 25% twice a week is good while doing fish in cycling.
Yes, agree with SFbrains up there: What is your tank water volume? What is your ammonia reading? What is your nitrite(NO2) reading? What materials are in your filter?

The members here are great - just let them ask and go ahead and answer the questions as best you can and eventually it will make sense that they are taking the fastest route they can to help you. You are probably very lucky to have found the right place, your probems can probably be turned around or explained before too long.


i had just started adding fish thats what i mean by just started up a new tank

its a 60gallon

yes have tesdted it the results come back as
PH 7.6
nitrate 7.0

2x leopard corys

did have 14x neons
but they all died

the corys are fine they are swiming around playing with one another just fine
Have you cycled the tank at all?

How long was it set up before you added the first fish?

Also, don't use Guppies as first fish as has been suggested. They are not as hardy as they used to be thanks to line breeding of fancy strains. If anything, they are even more fragile than Neons these days.
the tanks been up and running for 4 weeks

not cycled it yet, kinda guessing i should cycle it tho after seen whats been said???

what kinda fish would you recommend to put in??

many thanks
I wouldn't recommend any more fish until AFTER the tank has cycled.

What you have now is not ideal I am afraid. Unfortunately, LFS are notorious for not telling you the full story.

We do prefer to promote 'fishless cycling' as you are not subjecting any fish to the stress of the cycling process. There are a few threads about this on the forum.

If you can return the fish to the LFS and adopt this route, it will be much easier for you. I would seriously recommend this and so would 99.9% of the Aquarists on here.

Please take a look at the links:

Fishless Cycling

Mature Media Donation See if someone in your area can donate mature filter media - it will speed up the cycling process.

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