HELP fish attack Baby tora in shreds

tora is doing fine now it's a real shame as he is a stunning CT if i do say so myself, heres a pic to show the damage what happened in the amount of time it took me to make a coffee, sorry about the quality but you can see the damage, he is about 5 months old now and still quite small at about an inch in body lenght does anyone know if this is the normal size as he just doesn't seem to be growing :sad:
That looks really bad. A bit worse than my betta with fin and tail rot. He took a turn for the worse the last two days and I have been keeping his water really clean and nothing seems to help. Watch that this one does not get fin and tail rot on top of his injuries. Injuries can invite all kinds of infections.
Poor boy :sad:
As to size - I have his brother who is also about an inch body length and growing slowly... They are still not much more than fry really I suppose.
His fins will grow back but with that amount of damage will take a while.....just treat him as normal the mother was a small betta so they take after her and not the father, just give him extra water changes if you can that will aid growth of fins.... :D
As you know, we all really can't help you. LOL We all far away. So all you can do is saperate them and put him in medication until he growth back his tail back. It will takes a while and he will not be as beautiful as before. Since this incident happen, I have a big thought.
As for this topic, we might as will think about the dividing the tank again. Is this really working? Dividing a tank and put two males or a pair. Why we have to dividing them? Because we want more bettas? Or the space is too big? Or we want them to mate. Did we ever think about what will happened if one jump over again? Do we have the time to seat and watch 24 hours so we can save the betta before get torn? I do want everyone who dividing the tank and think again. :) Is this worth? :p
Did we ever think about what will happened if one jump over again?
They won't be jumping over again as i have now fixed the problem so theres no space to jump over.
Tora is showing no signs of fitrot as of yet so hopefully he will be ok.
the mother was a small betta so they take after her and not the father
i don't mind if he stays small as he's lovely the size he is, and if he grows big then we will still call him baby tora as he's the smallest one we've had :wub:
the damage isn't bad compared to my betta. he is a DT, but when i show him to people they go, hey, nice CT. he's that bad.

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