Help Fish Acting Weird


New Member
Dec 31, 2012
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Hey all, I've been having a few problems with my fish this past week and was hoping someone could help out. I have 3 geophagus tapajos red heads and about 5 days ago one started rubbing on the sand and on my rocks and drift wood. It darts around and flashes alot, 3-4 times an hour. His color dulled up and never puts up his dorsal fin. Then 2 days ago I started seeing the other 2 acting the same way. Every once in a while they hang out at the top or by a filter intake. As im typing this the one that showed symtoms first is hiding in a cave and the other 2 are grazing around the gravel. Water parameters are 0-0-5 Ph-7.3 temp- 78
I'm not familiar with your type of fish. Do they have any salt looking white spots? If so it could be ich.

So they have any marks or patches on their bodies?
No white spots on the geos. One of the phantom tetras in there has a white spot but they are all acting fine.
sound like a possible outbreak of ich then if ir tetra has it .. , if u have one with spots then im sure u could have others that are showing early signs flashing the way they are .. but someone else with more experience will probs confirm , im a newby really , but personally if one has spots i would be treating for it asap
Does the phantom tetra have just one spot, or lots of salt grain sized spots? It it's just the one then I would not be jumping to medicate for white spot just yet.

First of all, have you checked your water stats to make sure everything is stable? Secondly, has anything unusual or different been added to the tank recently? New water conditioner, medications, etc. Could anything like perfume, soap, etc. have contaminated the water? Any other symptoms that are being displayed?
Yep water stats are fine everything is stable. The phantom tetra HAD one spot it must of fallen off between this post and my last. I did just switch to prime and stability by seachem earlier in the week. Other than one hanging about 2" from the top of the tank, no other symptoms being displayed.

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