Help! Filter Switched Off.


New Member
Sep 19, 2010
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Oh dear. Help me please.
After a 48 day fishless cycle I got 3 Guppies for my Fluval Edge tank. I fed them for the first time but the waterfall from the filter was spraying the food around and all over the gravel, so I switched it off whilst they ate but I FORGOT TO SWITCH IT BACK ON. ARGHHHHHHHHHHH! Have I killed all the bacteria I have spent all this time and energy growing. Will the tank cycle again? It was off for about 10 hours. I tested the water and is still negative for ammonia and nitrites. Ooh I could kick myself for making such a silly mistake.
Im a n00b here myself but I have read that the bacteria will start to die off after about 10 hours and by only a little so I would think that you would be alright. More experienced people will chime in soon and put your mind at rest.

Take a look at the link, gives a few more figures ranging from minutes to days!
off for 10 hours? oof.. That doesn't sound healthy.

Firstly, are your fishies alright?

I think you may get away with it, but i'm no expert either. I've heard they can survive up to 24 hours, but I would suspect your colony will have taken a hit. You may have to watch the water stats over the next couple of days as they recolonise.
bacteria will die off at about a rate of 10% a day. I wouldn't worry to much about 10 hours.
It's probably fine, but just keep testing the water. Only time will tell :(
I've never been faced with such a problem but I'd a hazard a guess that some of filter bacteria has died off but so long as you lightly stock and lightly feed the fish you won't experience any ammonia/nitrite problems. Remember that fish can go for a day or two without food so cut back on the amount and frequency of your feeding and gradually increase it when you feel that theres no possiblity of ammonia/nitrite spike.

Test for ammonia and nitrite daily to get a feel for what has happened to your filter bacteria and remove these toxins within a reasonable time before they cause physiological damage.
A simple 10 hour down time for your filter will do very little harm. Just switch it back on and monitor things for a day or two. I expect the filter will recover quickly and if not the monitoring will let you know. If caring for a cycled tank was hard, we would have all given up on keeping healthy fish long ago.
agree with oldman on this.

We all make mistakes, experience is not making the same mistake twice.

Don´t worry no harm done.
over 10 hours, i would be more worries about the O2 levels. was there an air stone to keep the surface agitated? hope they're OK but if they look like they are gasping for air, try to get more O2 in the water (angle your filter so it splashes more)
I do not think any damage has been done.

In this hobby your likely to learn a lot from the little mistakes I know I have :crazy:

In a couple of years time you will remember this and have a chuckle at it :good:

Regards onebto
i used to get filter's of
due to power cuts for 12
to 24 hrs without any
problems so 10hrs i would
say it will be ok next time
dont trun your filter off
fish are fish and they will
chase after it
Thanks for all the reassurance. The fish seem to be fine. Ammonia and nitrates still zero. i think its going to be ok. I wont make that mistake twice though. Cheers everyone.
Thanks for all the reassurance. The fish seem to be fine. Ammonia and nitrates still zero. i think its going to be ok. I wont make that mistake twice though. Cheers everyone.

test for a few days just to
be on the safe side with it been
newly set cycled tank just as a piece
of mind let us know how you get on :good:

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