Help... fast killer disease

Chris Allan

New Member
Apr 25, 2004
Reaction score
Lancs, UK
Help me please.

Got 3 Ghost Glass Catfish (Kryptopterus minor) on Monday, got up this morning and one of them had an opaque colour to the tip of its tail. Thought to myself better look into it when I get back from work as I was rushing. Got home about half an hour ago, checked my fish.... aaargh! The glass cat was dead. It had turned an off white colour, and lieing next to it was my Bulldog Plec... also dead, and very pale. It was fine last night. :byebye: :byebye: :sad:

What it is? What's wrong?

The other fish seem and look fine, but I am concerned because I also got some Kuhli Loach, and 2 of them were next to the dead fish, but swam off when I got there.

Had a look at various tropical diseases but I am not sure what it could be. I thought maybe dropsy, but the scales were not raised, the eyes did not look to be bulging.

My water parameters are as follows:

PH 6.8, 25 degrees celcius, 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, 0 Nitrate, 4 degrees GH. Did my last water change on Saturday. I do it every 2-3 weeks 20-25%.

Can anyone help me? Is it contagious? How can I treat it? I am new to this hobby and any advice would be much appreciated.

Do you think it was already ill at shop? Should I complain? :grr:

Please help.... :(


:D it maybee freshwater velvet or trichodiniasis try waterlife protozin thats what i used when i bought some hoplos and my fish started to die its worth a try
It could be fungus or velvet, but it sounds like it could be bacterial problem like body rot.
I think I would add melafix to the tank just in case the other fish get sick as well.
Cheers guys for the help. I will get some melafix tomorrow... or is it like WS3 for whitespot? I have some of that already, could I use that?

Once again thanks for the help. It just happened so quick, and in a 325L tank.

Chris ;)
How long did you have it for....Some LFS has some kind of warranty like 3 days if the fish die they'll give you a refund or replace probably got a bad stock and if you said your bulldog plec was okay before and it died, then it's probably contagious....probably bacterial....
Well... I've lost another Glass Cat and my Mum's red tailed guppy... She's away and she won't be pleased when she gets back. :(

Will WS3 help or do I need melafix or something?


i would get any med that says it kills harmful bacteria - most of them say anti-fungal/anti-bacterial. i recommend a water change ASAP if you haven't already
also remove any carbon from your filter before using the meds. let the meds kick in for a day or two before any further water changes

hope things get better soon man! i'm pulling for you.

PS any time you see glass cats get opaque, something bad is around the corner, so do a water change. and possibly throw in some Melafix

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