Help, Eggs.


New Member
Sep 23, 2006
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What do i do? Its a community tank, the other fish have eaten some of them off the glass. There are some on my thermometer, do i place them in a breeding net?
You can do that, some people have done it to great success, either way you need to cover them from your other fish.

What species of cory do you have? Are you sure theyre cory eggs? Do you have some sort of airstone available to you?

Basically: Gently remove the eggs from the glass wall(you can use a stanley knife or razor blade) and thermometer and place them in the breeder net(this goes for whatever laid them) Give them some aeration, or put them nearish to filtration outlet to maximise water flow. Then its just a case of waiting. Remove any eggs that go white and fungused as they are infertile.

Hope this helps,
Btw what type of cories do you have.
They are albino. I searched for pictures of eggs and they are defo them. Looking very closely at them i can see the outline of them. How long usually do they take to hatch? The had to of been layed last night/ this morning as i was cleaning the filters, glass and did a water change at about 5pm yesterday. (Flooding the place in the process, god dam eheim seals :lol: )
At 25 degrees we are looking at about 5 days from time of laying, though you may have variation on either side depending on the preference for conditions. Well done on getting you cories to spawn :good: .

How large is the spawn?
Cheers, i wasn't expecting them to. I have had them for 9 months, when i got them they where tiny. I'd say there was about 30-40 eaten and i would say the same in the trap.

I think there is still more being layed, a i keep finding them. :)

Shall i buy a small tank for them to raise them when they hatch? Some thing like 12x8x8?
If they all hatch, a 12x8x8 would only be good for raising them for maybe a month or so, then you would need to upgrade to a larger tank. :)
Righto, So a 24x15x12 will be more that enough then? Should i get a small bubble filter cycling then?
Congrats on your eggs

I use a breeding net to hatch my cory eggs in, in a 24"x15"x15" lightly planted tank. Once the fry are between 10-14 days old, I release them into the tank with the other cory fry that are already in there.

I have two sponge filters for this tank and so far have raised a number of bronze cories which I've traded in at the LFS, busy raising panda and the remaining bronze fry and have just hatched Trilineatus cories which will also grow out in the tank before trading them.

Good luck and look forward to hear about your progress.

Eaten eggs.... (taken with my phone)

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