HELP!!!! dying fish


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2005
Reaction score
Isle of Man
i was doing my normal weekly water change today well just now and i found one of my neon tetras dying and i wana know if there is any way to help it at all because i dont want it to fye without knowing i can help it

ok it has like a bloated bit just behind its back fins before its tail and it seems to be floating the fish is alright eating and everything (gave it a flake of food) the bloated bit is white

if anyone needs more info im going to be watching this so if i can do something straight away i will

thanks for reading vanessa :(
ok found out hes been attact need help on what kind of fish could of done it

i have in my tank

4 neon tetras (ones down here because we think hes been attacked missing fins ect which i didnt know beforehand)
1 loach really small skinny orange and black
1 snail
1 goldern barb
3 cherry barbs
1 simese fighting fish

i would like to point out that i am taking the simese and the barbs to the fish shop as soon as i can because i think it could of been one of them any help would be very grateful

thanks for reading
This doesn't help much but as you figured the barbs and betta

Try and get the fish it's own tank, with clean watter, minimal current, and aquarium salt

If the white piece is fuzzy white, you should treat for fungus
it would help except i went upstairs to check on it and only found half of him then my fighter decided to attack him right in front of me so i kinda dont have him any more :-( i was waiting for a reply then i was going to do something didnt think something would eat it though my own fault i think

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