help - disapearing fish

turkish ann

New Member
Aug 29, 2003
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help 2 of my neon tetras that i bought yesterday have disapeared, one last night and one today! I suspect on naughty fish is eating them!

I love the tetras so something has to go

I have in my tank

2 small albino frogs
1 kissing gourami
4 guppies
3 platys
and one cant remeber the name off, a fish that its the rubbish off the side of the tank!

which one is the culprit

please help

My money's on the kissing gourami. A lot of fish will eat any other fish that fits inside their mouth.

it could be, i have seperated him in a net for babyfish for now, if no tetras dissapear tonight, I he is guilty!!
Hi T A,

I 'lost' some neons in the summer when the temperature in my tank got too high, couldn't figure out where they'd gone, searched the whole tank etc, then I eventually saw a teensy bit of blue tail on the floor :-( . Yep they get eaten pretty fast. Mine weren't eaten alive though, I believe that it was only once they died that the others (probably the dwarf gourami) tucked in. So I reckon it could be your kissing gourami that ate it but it may not have killed it, perhaps it died anyway from the shock of being added to the tank - did you float the bag in the tank for a bit to equalise the temperature and add a cup of tank water to the bag every few minutes before releasing the neons?

Good luck with the rest :thumbs:
This is a good point, too.

If the neons died first and then got eaten, the guy who sucks the rubbish off the sides of the tanks :lol: (pleco?) might have snacked on the corpses.

yes i did all that, they are quite small my new neons, not quite full size yet, I think it must me the gourami, the 2nd tetra to diapear was their this morning, I cannot find a trace of it, poor babies,
The gourami may have to go back to the shop!!
Ah - the case of the missing neons :p Hmm - most probably the gourami - they eat anything that fits into their mouths. Also, if your neons died naturally, they would get eaten by the rest of the tankmates and no remains would be left. What do your frogs eat?
How big is your tank? Kissing gouramis get pretty big. 8", I think. Some people claim gouramis are peaceful except with other gouramis, but this isn't always the case, IME. They are extremely territorial and can be downright nasty. I wouldn't feel too comfortable having a fish that's going to be that big in with guppies and neons, personally.

my frogs eat live worms, I thought it might be them at first, but they are very small and have bad eye sight and slow, not very bright, so I dont think it is them
hi aquanut,

my tank is fairly big, but its like anything when you startout, a bit green and I liistened to the guy in the shop, he said they were peaceful fish and did not grow too big, some of them have not got a clue, its hard to find a good aquarium shop that know what they are talking about and are honest with you!
turkish ann said:
hi aquanut,

my tank is fairly big, but its like anything when you startout, a bit green and I liistened to the guy in the shop, he said they were peaceful fish and did not grow too big, some of them have not got a clue, its hard to find a good aquarium shop that know what they are talking about and are honest with you!
It sounds like your tank isn't cycled, and neons don't cope well with an un-cycled tank. Possibly they died from ammonia or nitrite poisoning and then got eaten.

Have you checked your water parameters for ammonia and nitrite? If not, you need to do so urgently.

If you are new to fish keeping please read my article "Avoiding New Tank Syndrome" (link in my sig) before you do another thing, particularly buying new fish.

Whatever the results, do an immediate water change. If you could give us further information it may help:
1. How long have you had your tank.
2. Is it fully cycled? (if you don't know the answer, please refer to my article)
3. How big is your tank? (in litres or US gallons, or even dimensions - we can work it out from that).
4. What type of filter do you have and do you have live plants?
5. What are your water parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, KH and GH).
6. What does the "green stuff" look like?

I have done all the tests and they are all spot on, I did a water change the other day, I have had my tanks for 3 months, they all seem healthy, my tanks is 25 litres. The green stuff on the side, i mean algea, but I do not have any of that my tank is clear.

I only bought the tetras last night, and my husband saw the 2nd tetra half an hour before I come home, when i noticed iit gone!!

Hi Turkish Ann - I'm thinking your tank probably is cycled if it's been running for three months. However, 25 litres is nowheres even remotely a tiny bit close to being big enough for a kissing gourami (or any other gourami). Shame on the lfs employee who told you otherwise.

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