Help deciding who to move to a bigger tank

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Fish Addict
Mar 1, 2005
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I have recentally aquired a 1 gal tank. I currently have 6 bettas, 1 being the female who is in the 10 gal and 1 whos already in a 1 gal tank. The rest are all in 1/2 gal tanks and I have been reading up and taking you guys advice about 1/2 being to small to keep a betta in permentaly.

So my problem is which betta do I put in the new 1 gal tank? Do I put the one thats the most active or do I put the one that looks like hes sulking or do put the ones that look fine and happy?

I am sitting her trying to decide and cant so I just thought I would ask for everyones oppinion.

Thanks :)
What a choice, the sulky one.
Might cheer him up. :hyper:
Oh wow! What a difference a bigger tank made to Haze (the betta I moved). Hes swimming around so happily! Im glad I made the decision to move him.

Other than plants, what other things do you guys have in your tanks? His new 1 gal tank looks abit bare :unsure:
The 2 one gallon tanks i had just had some gravel and a soft plant for my boys. That leaves them with enough room to do their daily exercises. :)
Haha! That reminds me of when I first moved my veiltail from cup to 1gallon bowl. He was so happy, if he could he would have been doing cartwheels! Glad your new resident is appreciating your effort! They really do seem much happier in at least a gallon!

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