Help-danio Looking Strange*hes Gone* :(


Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2006
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Birmingham, UK
i was just looking at the fish and noticed that one of my pink zebra danios is looking almost bent. its very hard to explain but i will try and get a piccie if i can. does anyone know what could cause its body to go like that? i will be testing the water shortly to make sure everything is ok.

something i had noticed is that the danios look very bloated every time i feed the frogs bloodworm which is about 2/3 times a week but i have never noticed anything like this. i did feed the frogs bloodworm last night so wondered if it could be related?

im hoping to get the frogs into their own tank in the next couple of weeks so this doesnt happen again as bloodworm obviously doesnt agree with the danios!
Well I know the reason they look bloated after you feed the frogs bloodworm, because they are small fish they fatten out whenever the eat and obviously they love their bloodworm candy :good: It seems Danios can have bent spines from: Illness, Poor Water, Old Age, Genetic Deformity and TB (which I doubt it'll have) But try get a picture so we can see the little beauty :good:
Well I know the reason they look bloated after you feed the frogs bloodworm, because they are small fish they fatten out whenever the eat and obviously they love their bloodworm candy :good: It seems Danios can have bent spines from: Illness, Poor Water, Old Age, Genetic Deformity and TB (which I doubt it'll have) But try get a picture so we can see the little beauty :good:

Thankyou for that-sorry its taken me so long to update. we have tested the water and everything is absolutely perfect. we done a tank clean/water change to see if this would make a difference but it hasnt. we got my fiances dad to take a look as he has been keeping fish longer then us but he has never seen anything like this. he noticed that the danios fins looked a bit worn and suggested swimbladder but im not so sure. the danio is still with us though he is starting to get a little slower. i did get a couple of piccies that i will upload in a minute but they arent too good.

one thing i will say is that i noticed my mollie has slight pop eye. she had this quite a few months ago now and it cleared up with some treatment we bought, im wondering if this is related to the danios problems? does anyone know if its safe to treat the water with ADFs in there? the new tank should be ready this weekend so im wondering if i should wait until the frogs are out to treat the water?

if anyone has any idea what this could be and how i could go about treating it id really appreciate the help.
Just bumping this up in the hope that someone can help because i still have no idea whats wrong with my danio :no: :sad: the mollies eye has returned to normal on its own which is strange but my danio is still looking pretty bad :sad: havent managed to upload the bad piccies i took yet but will try and do that this evening.
given D.rerios' mass farming and the fact that the scientist at Yorktown Technologies
used captive bred stocks (not wild) to start their little project and then continued to use
the same group to create their base stock.
I'd say that it is a genetic deformity caused by inbreeding.
as long as he is eating and shows no other signs of ill health he should live a
'happy' life, all be it a shorter one due to the deformity.
Has the danio always had this bent spine? If it only appeared recently, and is getting worse (i.e. the fishes body/spine is becomming more bent/warped as the weeks go by etc), i would say it is fish TB.
after my previous post I found an interesting article
claiming that scientist had found that tropical fish for sale in Italy
had around a 72% (I think that was the number) chance of having piscine TB.
I can't find it now, but will search again and post it if I do find it.

still Italy is not the UK and there are few instances of fish being imported from there to here,
unless anyone knows any different.
Thankyou for the replies everyone. i had a read through the link about TB but other then the bent spine and slight popeye in my mollie(that went away on its own after less then two days, and as mentioned she had had it previously) there are no further symptoms amoung any of my fish-is there still a chance it could be TB with only the one fish having a bent spine? i have a feeling that the problem with its fins might have been down to my loach if it wasnt fast enough as it usually is, as one of my loach can be a little agressive. if it isnt TB then could the bent spine have been down to too much bloodworm? as i said, this is only given 2/3 times a week to the frogs but the danios are very greedy and do go at the leftovers.

unfortunately we found the poor danio dead friday evening :( :( he had looked a little worse the day before, but it was a little bit of a shock as he had lasted so long since discovering him with a bent spine :(

oh and to answer some of the questions, his bent spine seemed to happen literally over night but it did get gradually worse over the weeks and his body looked black around his stomach. if anyone is able to shed some light on this id appreciate it. all my other fish are completely fine so im assuming no treatment is needed of the tank or anything like that? dont want this happening again :(
If you lost a molly to a bent spine and pop eye this does sound a lot like fish tb or NTD to me unfortunately, it is quite common for fish suffering from fish tb or NTD to succumb to bacterial infections like pop eye, dropsy and septicemia etc as the fishes imune system starts to give up.

If you see any more fish which start to develop obviously bent spines in a short period of time, i would advise euthanising them to help prevent the disease spreading to the rest of the fish in the tank :nod: .
If you lost a molly to a bent spine and pop eye this does sound a lot like fish tb or NTD to me unfortunately, it is quite common for fish suffering from fish tb or NTD to succumb to bacterial infections like pop eye, dropsy and septicemia etc as the fishes imune system starts to give up.

If you see any more fish which start to develop obviously bent spines in a short period of time, i would advise euthanising them to help prevent the disease spreading to the rest of the fish in the tank :nod: .

no i havent lost the mollie, she is just fine. as i said, her popeye cleared up without treatment within 2 days of my noticing it. i have only lost the one fish, the danio, and that was the one with the bent spine. i havent lost any other fish for quite some time now and none of my other fish are showing signs of illness.

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