help cleaning a used tank.

[jdm dc2]

New Member
Mar 21, 2004
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well my friend let me have a 10g tank that was in his garage for a couple of months and man its filthy!... it has gravel, orniments, filter, heater, powerhead.. i trashed the filter becuase it was nasty but the rest seams to be ok other then the algae thats on it. Well i spent well over 2 hours with a brush and hot water scurbing it to death thinking it was fine... i filled it up with water and man the water color was like yellow and smelled like the ocean!.. i obviously didnt use the tank.. i dumped out the water and its sitting in my garage now.. i dont know if i should just dump it or try to clean it.. any tips on how i can clean this tank?.. thanks
maybe the stuff you can buy for cleaning plastic aquarium plants would do the trick. or get scrubbing again!! :flex:
you can use clr if it's rusty, and bleach works too, also maybe an aquarium saltwater mix, or wardley sells a aqua saline to help clean the tank
I cleaned out a tank that I got with bleach and a lot of water. It worked great but make sure you rinse it really really well.
I'm a big fan of using lots and lots of bleach. Bleach and scrubbing. When you get done with that, just fill'er up with water and give it a real good shot of de-chlor. Keep rinsing until the bleach smell is no longer present.
I dont think I would use CLR. That would be hard to rinse out completely.
The glass 10g tank (w/out hood and light) costs only $7.49 at petsmart. I would go that route.

Good Luck.
hey i had a tank similar and i just filled it up to the top with bleach and let it sit for a couple of days and then dont laugh but i took it to the local carwash and let er rip the tank was good as new and the heat from the power washer made the cleaning a snap :fun:

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