Help Choosing Puffer


Fish Fanatic
Sep 1, 2008
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I want to get a puffer and would like some advice on what type of puffer to get. I plan for my tank to have the following fish

-Blue Hippo Tang
-Rectangular Trigger
-Tomato Clownfish
-Banana Wrasse
-Emperor Angel

I am thinking to get either the spiny box puffer, the stars and stripes puffer, or the dogface puffer. Which one is (1) least aggressive to get alont with my other fish, and (2) easiest to take care of.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Also, would I be able to get a small puffer like a Blue Dot Puffer, a Saddle Puffer, or a Spotted Puffer? Or would my other fish pick on these when the other fish get bigger?
What size is your tank? because a puffer alone requires alot of swimming space, An emperor Angelfish will also get large and would also need a tank in the region of 600 litres.
If you are just starting out then stick to something easy like damsels and chromis then gain some experience and maybe look at a puffer, but these fish are not easy to take care of unless you are experienced with them.

I think there is someone on the forums called Andy who is the man to ask about puffers.
What size is your tank? because a puffer alone requires alot of swimming space, An emperor Angelfish will also get large and would also need a tank in the region of 600 litres.
If you are just starting out then stick to something easy like damsels and chromis then gain some experience and maybe look at a puffer, but these fish are not easy to take care of unless you are experienced with them.

I think there is someone on the forums called Andy who is the man to ask about puffers.

I have 125 gallons.
That is pretty small for all those fish but certainly Andy loves frogfish, puffers etc. He would be happy to help I am sure of it.


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