OK after cleaning my tank i noticed that my cherry barb(he's an aqaubabie fish) has a white moldy lookin spot on his side. i think its ick but i dont know and what do i do to treat it
Thank Jess
If it is fuzzy and white, it is not Ich, but fungus. Ich looks like small granuals of salt were sprinkled on your fish. Look for some Rid Ich + by Kordon and follow the instructions. It treats parasitic (like Ich) and fungal infections of fish.
welll i have been treating him for 2 days and now this morning he seems to have trouble swimming and he sinks to the bottom of the tank like he is weighted down
he doesnt look he seems to be having trouble i went and had my water tested and they said everything is fine what is going on??
i dunno its called ick guard it says it clears ick effectively and quickly~ hes still on hte bottomof the tankup againt the glass breathing and his tail moving and alittle fin movement but thats alll omg hes gonna die isnt he!!!