Help Can Any One Tell Me Bottom Feeders


New Member
Dec 8, 2008
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hi there looking for some nice bottom feeders for my tank, its 60gallon
could anybody give me names of bottom feeders please many thanks
Crikey,that's a decent enough size to get all sorts.How about a squad of cories (great fun to watch) and two or three bristlenose plecs?
It really is such a huge section,do a little research though as some catfish are carnivorous.My brother's fat cat bided it's time til it was big enough then ate all his neons (19 of them) overnight.
Hi portsmouthjoe :)

If you have a peaceful community tank, Corydoras would be an excellent choice. They are a friendly and active schooling fish that run in the 3" of smaller range. There are so many different species that you will surely find one you find attractive.

For example, these are C. melini:


The larger corys in this picture are C. pandas; the smaller ones are the dwarf corys C. pygmaeus:


If you find them interesting, post in the Corydoras section of Catfish to get more information. :D
reement with what everyone else has sad, I'd go with the Corydoras. Ive a lovely peaceful shoal of peppered coys, excellent choice :nod:

reement with what everyone else has sad, I'd go with the Corydoras. Ive a lovely peaceful shoal of peppered coys, excellent choice :nod:
that was supposed to start off with 'in agreement with' LOL :santa:

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