Help Building New Tank And Filtration For It.


May 15, 2009
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Bradford, West Yorkshire
Hi all im going to be building my own tank in summer 180cmx60x60cm which is 648 litres.

is there any threads that show people building tanks? My plan was to buid an external from from timber sheets and then slot the glass on the inside and using straps and internal braces silicone the glass into place.

My other qustion is what filters should i go for. As i dont want internals as i want the tank to be clutter free. i was also hoping to go for the external heaters you can get so as not to have to much equipment on show.

does anyone have and suggestions/experience with a tank this size.

Any help is greatly appreciated
Bit of tank building going on in this
old thread of mine
Not sure about building a tank but I would recomend eheim pro3 thermal external filters. They are quite expensive but give amazing flow and are very low maintenance and whisper quiet plus have a built in 500w heater. I have one running on my 380l tank and it heats the water fine. I would consider running 2 on a tank size you are planning.

I have also used the hydor external heaters on previous tanks and can say that they also work great, just attach to the outlet of your external.

I you are going to build a monster tank then treat yourself to a pair of eheims, you wont regret it I promise you.

Have a look on the DIY section of this forum to see if anybody has built their own aquariums, Ims sure there will be 1 or 2 topics on it.


I'm a glasscutter LOL..for yours expect it to be expensive, especially if you want it polished (mitred) Glass is cheaper over here than on the mainland.
I see your a Bradfordian....Is there not a big Pilkington factory near you BD3 or BD4 if I remember correctly...I lived in Undercliffe for 18 years.
Optiwhite, you got deep pockets m8
gave Ndaquatics an email and the will supply an 6ftx2ftx2ft tank with optiglass front and sides for £348.00 deliverd which i though was really good.

Still going to get some quotes on how much it would be to get the glass and do it myself.

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