Help - Brown Algae


Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2010
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I am nearly three weeks into setting up a FOWLR aquarium and I am experiencing some sort of brown algae.. it loks like brown dust and is collating on the heater filter flow and some of the sand. Is this normal and how can I get rid of it?

Thanks guys
Hello and welcome to TTF.

Diatoms perhaps?

Most people will get a diatom bloom in a new tank and most times it will go away on its own provided your water parameters are correct. At this point you may just have to suffer through it and try manually removing whatever you can.
Hey thank you for your advice there.

:hi: arlanda to the salty side of the hobby and to TFF

Just leave the diatoms alone :p they will sort themselves out when you have your cuc in :good:

How about starting a journel and introducing us to both yourself and the tank?

Seffie x
Ah k thanks Seffie, just getting used to the lingo still ;)


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