I've had 3 catfish for about 5 months now, they've been fine until today my girlfriend noticed one of them looked a bit different, he wasn't attaching to the glass properly.
It looks like his mouth is swollen, especially just below his bottom lip near his belly. Initially I thought it looked like a sore, perhaps he's been attacked or injured himself there and it's infected and swollen, but it doesn't look like an open wound. When I first got the baby catfish one of them died within a day, probably of dropsy, and this doesn't seem to be like that, he's only swollen around his mouth.
I've checked the water, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and PH are all fine. KH and GH are high but they always are in this area. Temp is 24C.
I did a 20% water change just to be sure and cleaned both the filters. I fed them as well, the sick/injured catfish seemed to latch onto a pellet happily enough.
I have 3 catfish in this tank, one is a bit bigger than the others and does tend to chase the other two off if they get too close. Could this have been the cause? Stress or injury while escaping? I've heard they can be territorial but hope that a 1m x 0.4m x 0.5m tank is big enough for them all. I could create another area of open gravel for the other two catfish to grab, would that help?
Any suggestions as to what I treat him with? I have melafix and myxazin, both are totally useless at teating a deteriorating guppy with fin rot in my small tank.
It looks like his mouth is swollen, especially just below his bottom lip near his belly. Initially I thought it looked like a sore, perhaps he's been attacked or injured himself there and it's infected and swollen, but it doesn't look like an open wound. When I first got the baby catfish one of them died within a day, probably of dropsy, and this doesn't seem to be like that, he's only swollen around his mouth.
I've checked the water, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and PH are all fine. KH and GH are high but they always are in this area. Temp is 24C.
I did a 20% water change just to be sure and cleaned both the filters. I fed them as well, the sick/injured catfish seemed to latch onto a pellet happily enough.
I have 3 catfish in this tank, one is a bit bigger than the others and does tend to chase the other two off if they get too close. Could this have been the cause? Stress or injury while escaping? I've heard they can be territorial but hope that a 1m x 0.4m x 0.5m tank is big enough for them all. I could create another area of open gravel for the other two catfish to grab, would that help?
Any suggestions as to what I treat him with? I have melafix and myxazin, both are totally useless at teating a deteriorating guppy with fin rot in my small tank.