Ive got 7 firehead tetras i think (sold as rummynoses) and i presently keep them in my planted 35g. I want to start to breed these tetras but am finding little info on their breeding habits, amount of fry produced and requirements of spawning. Has anyone had experience with breeding this tetra? Can anyone give me a useful site or from personal knowledge of how to succesfully breed this fish. I plan on placing the 7 ive got in a 15g (2'*1'*1') which i will breed them in. I also have a spare 8g growout. The 15g and 8g is densely planted with free-floating java moss.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ive got 7 firehead tetras i think (sold as rummynoses) and i presently keep them in my planted 35g. I want to start to breed these tetras but am finding little info on their breeding habits, amount of fry produced and requirements of spawning. Has anyone had experience with breeding this tetra? Can anyone give me a useful site or from personal knowledge of how to succesfully breed this fish. I plan on placing the 7 ive got in a 15g (2'*1'*1') which i will breed them in. I also have a spare 8g growout. The 15g and 8g is densely planted with free-floating java moss.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.