Help Black Ghost Knife Fish Not Doing Well


Fish Fanatic
Dec 5, 2011
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my 10 gal tank two days ago got ich. well actually my betta had it and then my tetra had signs too but that was it. i used kordon rid ich plus and turned up the temp to about little less than 80 for the past two days . my knife fish ( mr squiggly britches) looked fine all through day one and this morning looked fine  as soon as i got home a few mins ago, he was floating funny and the bottom of him was kinda ruffled or looked distressed i uess would be the word to discribe it. i just took him out and put him in a mini tank that hangs on the inside of my 20 gallon. i think thats the best for him. any other sugestions !!!???
I suggest you take him back to wherever you got him ASAP.
Sorry to be harsh but he doesn't belong in any tank less than 200G.
As for him acting distressed, these questions may help get down to the bottom of it.
1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc)
2. A full description of the fishes symptoms.
3. How often you do water changes and how much.
4. Any chemicals and treatments you add to the water.
5. What tank mates are in the tank.
6. Tank size.
7. Finally Have you recently added any new fish?
It'll take more than two days to get rid of ICH unfortunately

Is his fin torn or anything? I wonder if he could be getting nipped.
the ich is very close to being gone by tomorrow morning itll be gone. hes tiny right now ive had him since the summer thats why hes in the ten gal till he gets bigger im moving him,hes always been the best fish in the tank till this happened
You need to treat the ICH for it's full cycle, not just til it disappears off of the fish. Most treat it for 2 weeks, I believe.
A bit worried about you putting him in the 20g as he will likely be quite stressed in the small box that's inside the tank, and he may spread the ICH to the fish in that tank.
You want to move him ASAP so that he doesn't get stunted. They can grow quite quickly when kept in proper conditions.
Sorry if I came off rude, I was about to go to bed so wanted to be quick. And I do tend to get a little upset when people mention this specific fish as it's my dream fish. :)
Is his fin torn? -- I'm heading to bed now as I need to get up early. Hopefully someone comes along soon that can be of more help to you.
Rehome your fish or get a bigger tank.
It s for the good of your bgk, It will get to about 2-3 feet and will eat anything that fits in its mouth
Well Im glad the betta and tetras dont fit(yet)
They grow about 5 inches every 6 months.
If he doesnt grow normally he will get stunted and his backbone will start to get deformed and will make its like agonizing

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